Friday, April 11, 2008

No Results Yet

We waited anxiously all day for the Vitamin D and the Pathology report to come back today but they unfortunately did not. My surgeon's office called me at 4:45pm and stated since I work in this field and know the drill then as soon as they get the Vit D levels we will just book surgery without going to the pre-op appt which will save a lot of time since the surgeon only sees patients on Mondays.

I could paint this road all rosy but I have decided to be completely honest with you. Last night I was talking on the phone and all of a sudden I felt like I was going to pass out and throw up. I had to quickly get off the phone and I stood up to run to the bathroom and I got extremely dizzy. The only thing I can compare it to is motion sickness after getting off a carnival ride (hence why you never see me get on those ridiculous rides that spin!!!). I had to lay down for a couple of hours.

Today however I had a really good day! I felt wonderful (few bouts of dizziness and slight lethargy early in the am) but over all it was a GREAT day!

I really don't know how much of this is in my head or if it is really from Madge. I know my hormones are out of whack and I have some obvious physical symptoms so I just don't know.

Gene is making sure I am eating very healthy (for the first time I actually want to - it is all so new and strange to me - haha! - MAYBE THAT IS MY PROBLEM!! HAHA). My mom had her doctor friend who studies cancer make a special mineral mix for me which I have started taking.

That is really about it! It really was a quiet day.

My Plans This Weekend:

  • Organize my guest room (for my family) and closet (get all those comfy clothes washed and ready)

  • Take care of my business taxes and deposits, etc.....

  • I am getting my hair done (I was told it might be affected so I figured it needed a treat before this all begins)

  • Getting pedicure with Ginger for our upcoming hospital stays (since we won't be able to do our own for a while)

  • Seeing our good friends Scott & Lea

  • Sunday The Guidrys are coming to church with us which is a great treat!

  • Sunday afternoon we are hanging out with Bill & Ginger and taking care of all those things that need to get done since this could be our last free weekend together!

I hope you ALL have a wonderful weekend! I love you all!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Brandy!
I'm a friend of Sandy's and she has shared your bout with "Madge" with me. I'm so sorry to hear....I wanted you to know that I have included you in my women's Bible study prayers.
I also wanted to share a thought that has meant something to me & hope it will you: "When fear comes knocking, sent faith to answer the door"...

Anonymous said...

Me again Brandy...I forget to sign my message a minute ago...I'm a friend of Sandy's and I have met you I think a couple of times
Julie Hanson, Seattle