Sunday, April 27, 2008


Ok... I knew I would get lethargic and I knew to expect it but man, as much as I had anticipated it I sure wasn't prepared for this strange feeling.

I woke up to full sinus and chest congestion. I had been battling it since the hospital but I think this was my final bout (better be... I need to get over to see Brenna!). Then it actually took me over an hour just to shower and dry my hair. All I could do was sit and stare at the wall. My sister had to remove the towel from my head, I couldn't even lift my arm for that.

I am determined to be a part of this world while I go through this so I got dressed in something other than jammies and tried to sit at the dining room table for a bit, it proved to be too much. I must confess I got frustrated that my body just did not want to do what my mind was telling it to. I just feels like I am about 30-40lbs heavier and it is hard to move.

My family left today and I am VERY sad... they took GREAT care of me and made sure I ate my meals and took my pills. I could never express to them my gratitude and love for being here for me and for easing some of the stress and burdens on Gene and I.

After we dropped them off we picked up a good meal (yes... I am actually TRYING to eat healthier, is is bizarre). After eating about half of it the lethargy kicked in again and I actually got out of breath just picking up my fork to my face. The food did give me a little kick of energy and so I am able to run in here and write this. I noticed that food really does give me a little kick (enough to sit up and even talk here and there). Therefore I am constantly eating (I feel anyway). I have cravings for cheese, yogurt, ice cream, and milkshakes. :-)

Tomorrow Gene is going to stay home with me since I cannot be trusted to get up and feed myself and take my vital medication. I am so thankful that I am not alone in all of this... honestly I know I would probably wither away in bed if I didn't have them!

This week I hope to see Ginger, Mama G, & Brenna on Wednesday. We are going to all just hang out and watch movies. I also set up ALL of my doctor's appointments for May 5th, 2008.

WEIGHT: 138lbs - I am going the opposite way!
MOOD: Curious if my lethargy will become more consistent or continue to be ups and downs
ENERGY: Downs = 3, Ups = 6

Thank you Faith & Karen for the YUMMY Momo Cookie Bouquet!! :-)

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