Friday, April 4, 2008


Back in November I was short of breath and my doctor sent me to the ER, I had a CT and they sent me home and said I had pneumonia.

February 2008, I was experiencing sharp chest pain and the doctor I work with sent me to the ER (yes... I felt like a hyporchondriac!!). They did a CTA and said it was just chest wall inflammation and they gave me a shot of morphine and sent me home.

Turned out on these two reports it showed that I had ONE thyroid nodule and since no one told me about them I didn't worry about it. However, I told my sisters and since I had lost about 20lbs in just about 4 weeks they felt it was something to get checked out. I also had a friend tell me about a friend of theirs that had a bad headache and went to the doctor and a week later she had passed from leukemia. So, I felt after much pushing from my sisters to get it checked out.

On 3/9/08 I went to an Internal Medicine doctor, Dr. Ersoy, and she suggested that I have an ultrasound of my thyroid and then they would do a fine needle biopsy depending on the results.

3/12/08 I had my ultrasound and after the tech finished she came back and told me the radiologist wanted her to do my lymphnodes as well. She then proceeded to look at them for 40 minutes. I knew at this point the doctor must have seen something strange.

The ultrasound showed 8 "nodules" all around my thyroid and 1 on my lymphnode. Dr. Ersoy then set up a FNA (fine needle biopsy) to see if these "nodules" were cancerous or not.

4/2/08 - I had the FNA and let me tell you, I am usually pretty darn cool when it comes to all this medical testing etc... but watching a needle go into my neck on the ultrasound machine was FREAKY! They ended up poking me 12 times and they did 3 samples on the right and the left side of my neck. It was not pleasant and I am still hurting from it.

4/3/08 4pm - The pathology report came back that the biopsy on the LEFT side was positive for malignancy and the official diagnosis is PAPILLARY THYROID CARCINOMA.

I spent about 20 minutes in complete shock while my doctor ran around trying to find the best names and MD Anderson Cancer Center. I then realized that I needed to go tell my husband and he was VERY supportive and encouraging. We sat in shock for a while.

I then began the process of calling my loved ones. At this time however I only knew my diagnosis and not how bad it was or what my prognosis was.

4/4/08 - I had an appointment with Dr. Ersoy and then the surgeon since she stated the cancer needed to come out. The surgeon came highly recommended and I feel very good about it. Her name is Dr. Emily Robinson. Sitting with her and getting all the answers and explanations of what I am facing was great.


Jane Hoppe said...

I'm glad you're well-informed about thyroid cancer and you're writing about your experience. I hope you keep writing your feelings. God bless you on the rest of your journey to healing.

Giftedtemptation said...

Hello Big B! I Just wanted to pass along a little note so that you knew I was thinking about you and praying for you! You are such a strong person Brandy and I know that you will enjoy the Lord's presence during this time. I used to get so frustrated when people would tell me how "strong" I was in my circumstance because I didn't feel very strong. Such a comment also seemed to imply that this circumstance is somehow "easier" for me because of "my strength." Before you allow your self to go there as I did, please re-define strength as the power of Christ given to you as a result of your proper focus on Him and Him alone. What people are seeing isn't YOUR strength it is His!!! Wow - what a compliment. I truly mean this for you Brandy! I am glad to hear that you are keeping your spirits up! But please, Brandy, do not continue to take advantage of your circumstance by making up excuses for your hickies! hee-hee! And Mama G - that verse is so beautiful and I will take it for myself!
Love you!