Saturday, April 26, 2008

Big Day Out

Hey guys.... well yesterday was a bit rough. I had quite a few bouts of dizziness and some nausea. I also was just worn out, so much so I couldn't even get up to update the blog.

Today I was determined to have a better day. I got up and got ready to go out and be amongst the living. We went to The Gap and bought a pretty scarf to cover up my war wounds. People look at me like someone tried to chop my head off... I figure I will save them the wasted time of trying to figure out what happened to me - a friend of mine had the same thing and her husband started telling people that she just got back from Iraq. I couldn't do that to someone! :-)

We came home when I started feeling tired and it all hit me like a ton of bricks! All I could do was lay on the bed and stare at the wall. It is a strange feeling. My mind is surely active but my body doesn't want to move. I just got a spurt of energy and wanted to run in here and give ya'll a quick update. I am going to attach a picture from my big day out!

WEIGHT: 141lbs.
MOOD: Still optimistic
ENERGY: 6 out of 10 (at the moment)

Thank you again for all of your well wishes!


Anonymous said...

Love the scarf---it looks mah-ve-lous and very fashionable! Glad you got out for a short time; I'm sure it felt good to see something other than the inside of your house! I cannot believe how much "Baby Foote" has grown. What an adorable nephew!! Bran, is the nausea and dizziness caused from the chemical imbalance from not having your thyroid, or is it the birth control, or what? Hopefully these bouts come in short spurts.

I know being lethargic is not "you," but just relax and go with the flow for now. Great time to catch up on some good books or reading scripture. You are in good hands with Gene, Jennifer, Peter and Sandy doting over you. I tell ya, I sure am looking forward to seeing my BranMuffin next week.

Bless you,
Karen (Mama G)

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