Thursday, April 10, 2008

Lymph Node Biopsy Today

Well my dear loved ones.... I wish I could say I got through the day with flying colors but it wasn't quite so. I had my biopsy and I am going to give you the breakdown so you can get a better understanding of what takes place:

1. I check in at Memorial Hermann Hospital and fill out all that wonderful paperwork

2. They take me into a large room with an exam bed and ultrasound machine.

3. They let me keep my dress on today and just put a bunch of towels around my neck and clothes so they don't get wet (last time I was gowned).

4. They dim the lights and have soft music playing (it makes me very sleepy)

5. Then the tech finds what is to be biopsied with the ultrasound machine and takes a picture

6. The doctor comes in (I had the same one as last time so we had some good laughs)

7. He preps the area with sterile solution and then takes the ultrasound and finds the lesion to be biopsied

8. Then he numbs the area (this was at the base of my throat on the left side) with shots of Lidocaine.

9. He then takes a special needle and guides it into the lesion using the ultrasound machine.

10. They always tell me to watch the screen but there is something about watching a needle go into my throat and then him start jamming in to the lesion over and over that makes me want to panic (all this while you are not supposed to move or swallow).

11. When he starts to get the tissue samples he moves the needle in and out and it is unpleasant.

12. He had to take 3 tissue samples today to get a good amount and on one of them my Lidocaine had worn off and of course that was not a good feeling.

13. When it is done he holds pressure on the area to stop the bleeding and then does another check with the ultrasound to ensure there is no internal bleeding. There was some last time but not this time.

14. Since they had to go deeper this time it does hurt worse afterwards and it hurts to swallow but I am FINE and I am glad it is OVER

NO MORE BIOPSIES!!!!! This is a good day!!! :-)

I had about a 2 hour bout of extreme lethargy today (of course it could have been a sugar crash from all the cake I ate from RT's going away party - haha!! We will miss you RT - I will always have chap stick for you!!!!).

Since I have handed over my job I am able to leave at a more decent hour lately and I was delighted to come home and there was a box of flowers on my doorstep! The card said they were from the "Dash Lab"!!! I am so extremely touched!!! Dash is one of the doctors I used to work with on the academic side and we became very good friends, he is genuinely one of the nicest people I know and his thoughtfulness means the world to me!!!!

I am going to go get my comfy clothes on, call my sister Michelle who had knee surgery this morning, and then CRASH! I am so tired!

  • Get pathology results from today's biopsy

  • Should get the Vitamin D level we are all anxiously awaiting. We cannot schedule surgery until those labs come back at a good level - if they come back that I am Vit D deficient then we have to wait on surgery until they are corrected. I have been taking 1,000 mg of Vit D each day that I dissolve on my tongue. CROSS YOUR FINGERS!!!!

San - your comment did show up!!! :-)

Grammy - your e-mail went straight to my HEART! I LOVE YOU!

Erin - see... I had to get another biopsy, I needed another excuse! HAHA

Ginger - your words were so encouraging, as always!! I love you!

I leave you with a wonderful scripture that Ginger left on a comment:

2 Timothy 1:7 says "For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I'm sorry you had to go through such an unpleasant ordeal this morning. Hooray for no more biopsies!! I'll not only cross my fingers but I will also pray that your Vitamin D level will be sufficient to take you to the next step.

Whenever you begin to feel discouraged along the way, turn to Romans 15:13 and read what Paul wrote to his Roman brethren. He says to them, "Now may the God of Hope fill you with ALL joy and peace in believing, that you may abound IN HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit." This has become my prayer for you, dear one.

Tomorrow will be a better day!

Love you, gal,
Mama G