Thursday, April 24, 2008

First Full Day At Home

I tried very hard to relax and rest today but I seem to be very restless. I did get out today on my first outing because I had a big craving for block cheese! Yes.... I needed cheese for some reason. The church brought dinner by and we all sat down and had another wonderful meal (I will gain those pounds back in NO time!!!).

My blood pressure is still low (102/57) and I am going to call the doc tomorrow for some antibiotics for my incision - just a precautionary... it seems to be puffy and a little infected.

I am trying to keep my head upright as often as I can.... my neck is starting to hurt from keeping it down. I still have to look down every time I swallow for comfort. I have had bouts of dizziness and a little nausea tonight but all is well. I am still doing FAR better than I had imagined!!!

Thank you all for the calls, cards, comments, e-mails, texts, prayers, and gifts (and Uncle Ronnie's jokes)!!

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