Friday, April 4, 2008


4/4/08 - I met with the surgeon today and this is the plan so far:

  1. I will have surgery to remove my Thyroid, Parathyroid, and lymphnode if the nodule on my lymphnode is malignant the week after next (week of 4/14) if my Vitamin D levels are normal.

  2. I will do a bout of radiation therapy after surgery to kill the cancer (those pesky nodules) and I will be radioactive for only 24 hours! They will repeat this every 3 months or so until the cancer is gone.

  3. I will be on medication for the rest of my life to give my body what it needs since the thyroid will no longer be there

I have another biopsy to do next week to check to see what stage I am in (there are only stage I & II since I am under 40yrs old). If the lymphnode is malignant then I am stage II.

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