Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I just got home not that long ago...... took a LONG shower and put on my comfy jammies. I am about to go climb into bed. I feel FAR better than what I expected. It is hard to swallow and I have to keep my head down and to the right for the most comfort (the incision site is tight). Other than that I feel pretty normal, not too much dizziness or nausea. In the hospital I was only allowed 3 liquid meals so anyone who knows me knows that we had to make a pit stop at my favorite MCDONALD'S on the way home! :-) MUCH BETTER!

Here is the run down of what happened yesterday and today:

  • Got to the hospital and checked in at 5:30am

  • Went back to the prep area and went through all the usual pokings and prodding

  • At 6:30am Chad Strader came by and prayed with us (what an amazing person!!)

  • I was rolled back and the next thing I remember was opening my eyes and my family walking into my room

  • They took out my thyroid & the cancerous lymph node but not the para-thyroid

  • I couldn't really talk for about an hour (or that is how I remember it)

  • I was really groggy but comfortable (mostly from the morphine)

  • As the day progressed my voice became more normal (it is a little scratchy still but good)

  • I had a rough night with the swallowing (my fault for not wanting any more of the good drugs)

  • My saving grace was my ipod!! It relaxed me!!

  • I slept probably a total of 3 hours

  • This morning all the docs came by and my blood pressure stayed around 102/50 all day and my calcium level was low but stabilized and they agreed to let me spring out of that joint

  • I had many wonderful visitors!!! Thank you all so much!

  • The day before surgery I weighed 141lbs.... today I am 146lbs!! I am sure it is from all the liquids but this will be interesting to watch.

I came home to a VERY clean house (my sister hired 2 maids for 4 hours!!) and it was also filled with flowers and gifts (I just might have to do this more often! HAHA). Grandma Sandy took Peter to the Children's Museum and the Museum of Natural Science to see the dinosaurs so Jen & Gene could take great care of me!! We also had a great visit from Jim the night before surgery.... we all had a great dinner - my favorite shaggy dog rolls and they had them sing Happy Birthday to me with a dessert... it was HILARIOUS! I needed that laugh!

Here is what is next:

  1. Apparently my natural hormones will last in my body for up to 8 days (meaning I won't be sluggish until those are gone)

  2. Then I go to the Endo doc on 5/5/08 and get the exact date for the radiation

  3. I will start my permanent medication after radiation

Right now the crucial thing for me is to watch for my hands to tingle, if they do I have to go get a blood test ASAP at the surgeons office or the ER, this is a sign that the calcium is to low (did you know that if your calcium gets to low you stop breathing?? Either did I!!)

So.... ALL IS WELL!!! Everything went great!!


The surgery was to get rid of the parts feeding the cancer, now the radiation will KILL the cancer and hopefully that will be the end of MADGE!!!



Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you Brandy! If only we could all be half as positive and strong as you are! I feel so lucky to be a part of your life. It sounds like you aren't giving this thing a chance - go MOMO!

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is "God is so good!" He has truly answered all of our prayers, and has gotten you through the surgery with flying colors. I LOVE that we are both going to be at home recovering at the same time...what perfect timing afterall! :) I forsee lots of girlie movies and chai tea lattes (and changing dirty diapers!) on the couch at home together. I CAN'T WAIT!!!! I just got your text message a couple minutes ago about losing your voice all of a sudden - that's why I love this blog. No matter what, I always feel so up to date and connected with what's going on. I love it! :) Hang in there, Sneaky. You are doing marvelous!

Love you tons,
Ginger (and Brenna too!)

Anonymous said...

Oh Brandy to see the photo of your incision, and then to read of your surgery and recovery - what an inspirational trouper you are. And I have to give kudos to your family for their love and support -really got a kick out of their "Birthday" celebration for you. Thanks to you for updating your Blog for those of us so far away who cannot stand by your side to keep pushing Madge out of your life. With my admiration & love .. Grammy

Anonymous said...

Hi Muffin,

Gee, I think you may be starting a new trend---a "choker necklace" etched into the skin!!! Looks pretty good on you, but then you make everything look beautiful!! I will see a lot of you next week because I am taking the week off to help Ginger (and you). We girls are gonna "live it up!" Ha! In the meantime, save your voice, rest up, and enjoy the time you have left with Jennifer & Peter.

Great big hug,
Mama G

Anonymous said...

Hi sweet girl,
I am so happy everything went well for you. Your right, you are at the half way mark and look out when you've reached the finish line! Rest comfortably for now and know that I am thinking and praying for you daily.
Love ya,