Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My Family is Coming!!!

There was a lot of activity today!

  • My surgery time is 10:30am - check in at 8:30am at Memorial Hermann. I filled out all of the paperwork through fax, since I know the girls over there they didn't make me go through all of the red tape :-)

  • My sister Jennifer & my nephew Peter are coming SATURDAY!

  • My Step-Mom is coming MONDAY!

  • I went to the doctor and got my BC, they have to be refrigerated so I put them in the fridge at work and when I left I went to go get them and THEY WERE GONE! I was in a panic since I needed to start the medication TODAY. Luckily my BEST FRIEND saved the day!!! I don't get upset/mad that often but I ooohhhh was I UPSET (yes... I really was)!!

  • I see the Internal Med doc on Friday and I still need the appt for the Endo doc.

  • We figured out all of the FMLA mumbo jumbo so we are good to go!

Ya'll - Ginger is getting REALLY close to having that little baby girl! I am so excited and REALLY hoping I will be there for her every step of the way! I really do hope and pray I get to be there for her!!!!


I am REALLY excited to have my family here and to say "good bye" to MADGE!!


I leave you with this encouraging scripture from my dear friend Debby:

Taste and see that the Lord is good;blessed is the man who takes refuge in him ~ Psalms35:8


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

My beautiful spiritual Brandy - what a courageous uplifting girl you are and I am totally amazed when I read your Blog & how you take us step by step what you are experiencing in this day by day trauma - of course we all know you are under God's care & He is by your side & when you open your eyes after surgery, He will be looking in your face with His Love and smiling & you will know that Mo Mo is gone forever. Love your uplifting T shirt & sorry my comments did not go through. You are with me in my heart & in my prayers & my love is sailing your way in a little Louisiana Pirogue.