Monday, April 14, 2008


Is this not the CUTEST T-SHIRT EVER??? I had some wonderful goodies in the mail today (thank you all so much for the beautiful cards & Mom I got the Calcium!!) and this t-shirt comes with LOTS of love from Sandy & Dan in Mexico! I could not stop laughing! This is probably one of the greatest gifts I have ever received! I am going to wear it ALL the time!

Well I do have a lot to tell you today! Unfortunately the BIGGEST thing we were waiting on today did not happen..... the Vitamin D result did NOT come in. However, I did get my biopsy results. Basically, it wasn't conclusive. It did show RARE SUSPICIOUS CELLS but could not confirm carcinoma. The pathologist recommended additional testing since the tissue sample WAS NOT ENOUGH to get a good reading. UHG!

At this point, if it shows "rare" suspicious cells in the lymph node then I am ALL for taking that out as well. It basically is just a "garbage can" and I don't need it. I have not talked to my doctor about what she wants me to do but I really am hoping to avoid another biopsy - I really like those doctors over there but it just is not a pleasant experience. This was also to determine what stage I am in, since it is so treatable then I really don't think it is a crucial question to answer. That is just me.....

I had a GREAT weekend! On Saturday I got my hair done, then I cleaned out my closet since I have gone from a size 10/12 to a 6/8 I was able to put half my clothes away - yes I am keeping them for when I get back to normal. :-) Then my husband treated me with a little shopping spree. I am now fully stocked up on the cutest jammies and lounging clothes. After that excitement we went to the park and watched an REI kayak demo (when I am better that will be our new hobby). It was such a GORGEOUS day! NO HUMIDITY!!!!!

Sunday was VERY special, the Guidrys came to church with us and at the end of the service we went to the front and we had a group pray with us for comfort, courage, and for God to work through me. I tear up just thinking about how much love and support I have! We then went to lunch and as always laughed the entire time! :-)

Ginger and I then went and treated ourselves to spa pedicures - nothing will get you through cancer treatment and giving birth like GREAT TOES!!! HAHA We also did those last minute things for BABY! Auntie had to buy her the CUTEST little blinged out onesie that says ROCK STAR (that is for you Brotha B)!

So, hopefully tomorrow we might know about the Vit D levels. I feel 50/50 right now.... one moment I just want this all over with so I can move on and the next I am just going with the flow. I know it is frustrating because my dear family wants to make travel arrangements to come down for me and we just don't have an answer yet. :-( Hang in there guys... LOVE YOU! I have the BEST FAMILY AND FRIENDS!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the shirt!! What an awesome gift from Dan and Sandy. I bet it goes beautifully with your freshly pedicured toes. :) I had so much fun on Sunday!!! I am convinced the best way to beat Madge is to have fun, give ourselves treats, (i.e. pedi's, Starbucks, AND Marble Slab ice cream!) and not let her get in the way!!!

I love you,