Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Quiet Day Today

It has been a quiet day for me. No doctor's appointments and it feels GOOD! The only interesting thing I have to tell you today is that I checked the website for my insurance and just last week alone I had $21,000 in medical costs! Thank God for insurance!!!:-)

My sister Jennifer's friend went through this as well so I asked her how she felt after the surgery, this is her response:

I was in good shape and young so thought I’d bounce back fast but I hated having any pressure at the base of my throat – always felt like I had on a really tight turtleneck. So this really annoyed me and felt like swallowing was more of a chore due to this surgery. I don’t believe my parathyroid was even touched but because this is such a sensitive area, I had to get blood taken every couple days for a while and then once a week for a few weeks after this surgery – their concern in “annoying” the parathyroid was that it gets mad easily and could mess up my body’s ability to absorb calcium. So I had take some serious calcium meds for a while.

So the two things I battled after they thryroidectomy was the pressure at my adams apple area and trying to get my body back to normal by taking replacement thyroid hormones. I really didn’t feel normal or near normal for a good 18 months as every 6 to 12 weeks we would take blood, endocrinologist would tweak my thyroid hormones and would then try to see if that dosage was too high or too low. So pace yourself that you may have days where you feel off, or jittery or super lethargic and it is really aligned with the tweaking of these hormones.

I leave you with this wonderful scripture my friend Lidia sent me today:

" 'My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.' So, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me." --2 Corinthians 12:9


Anonymous said...

Dear BranMuffin,

I find I can hardly wait until the end of each day to see what you have written on your Blog. It feels like I am peeking into your personal diary, and I so enjoy the photographs you select each day as well as the scripture verse. Through the discomforts that lie ahead, there will also be joy in this journey, happy, laughable times that will give you the strength to keep pushing forward. Good luck on Thursday; I'll be anxious to read all about it!

Blessings and Hugs,
Mama G.

Giftedtemptation said...

Hello Big B! I Just wanted to pass along a little note so that you knew I was thinking about you and praying for you! You are such a strong person Brandy and I know that you will enjoy the Lord's presence during this time. I used to get so frustrated when people would tell me how "strong" I was in my circumstance because I didn't feel very strong. Such a comment also seemed to imply that this circumstance is somehow "easier" for me because of "my strength." Before you allow your self to go there as I did, please re-define strength as the power of Christ given to you as a result of your proper focus on Him and Him alone. What people are seeing isn't YOUR strength it is His!!! Wow - what a compliment. I truly mean this for you Brandy! I am glad to hear that you are keeping your spirits up! But please, Brandy, do not continue to take advantage of your circumstance by making up excuses for your hickies! hee-hee! And Mama G - that verse is so beautiful and I will take it for myself!
Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hi - does it work - call me - love you - san