Monday, April 28, 2008

A Good Day!

I have actually been sitting up right for 3 hours! I was able to get a great night's sleep and I managed a 2 hour nap! Gene stayed home with me today and therefore I was fed and took my medicines. I tried to rest all day and did a lot of reading. Not much to report today which is GREAT!!!

WEIGHT: 140lbs - yesterday scared me a bit, glad it is going back up!!

MOOD: Very reflective today, to much time on my hands!!!

ENERGY: 7 almost ALL day!!

I am going to go mix a spinach and pineapple drink my sister introduced me to, it is refreshing and gives me good energy!

I am starting to get a little stir crazy! I think tomorrow I need to get out again, maybe just for a ride in the car. :-) I always considered myself kind of lazy but I now realize that I like staying busy!

I might not post again until I have something interesting to tell you..... :-)

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Ok... I knew I would get lethargic and I knew to expect it but man, as much as I had anticipated it I sure wasn't prepared for this strange feeling.

I woke up to full sinus and chest congestion. I had been battling it since the hospital but I think this was my final bout (better be... I need to get over to see Brenna!). Then it actually took me over an hour just to shower and dry my hair. All I could do was sit and stare at the wall. My sister had to remove the towel from my head, I couldn't even lift my arm for that.

I am determined to be a part of this world while I go through this so I got dressed in something other than jammies and tried to sit at the dining room table for a bit, it proved to be too much. I must confess I got frustrated that my body just did not want to do what my mind was telling it to. I just feels like I am about 30-40lbs heavier and it is hard to move.

My family left today and I am VERY sad... they took GREAT care of me and made sure I ate my meals and took my pills. I could never express to them my gratitude and love for being here for me and for easing some of the stress and burdens on Gene and I.

After we dropped them off we picked up a good meal (yes... I am actually TRYING to eat healthier, is is bizarre). After eating about half of it the lethargy kicked in again and I actually got out of breath just picking up my fork to my face. The food did give me a little kick of energy and so I am able to run in here and write this. I noticed that food really does give me a little kick (enough to sit up and even talk here and there). Therefore I am constantly eating (I feel anyway). I have cravings for cheese, yogurt, ice cream, and milkshakes. :-)

Tomorrow Gene is going to stay home with me since I cannot be trusted to get up and feed myself and take my vital medication. I am so thankful that I am not alone in all of this... honestly I know I would probably wither away in bed if I didn't have them!

This week I hope to see Ginger, Mama G, & Brenna on Wednesday. We are going to all just hang out and watch movies. I also set up ALL of my doctor's appointments for May 5th, 2008.

WEIGHT: 138lbs - I am going the opposite way!
MOOD: Curious if my lethargy will become more consistent or continue to be ups and downs
ENERGY: Downs = 3, Ups = 6

Thank you Faith & Karen for the YUMMY Momo Cookie Bouquet!! :-)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Big Day Out

Hey guys.... well yesterday was a bit rough. I had quite a few bouts of dizziness and some nausea. I also was just worn out, so much so I couldn't even get up to update the blog.

Today I was determined to have a better day. I got up and got ready to go out and be amongst the living. We went to The Gap and bought a pretty scarf to cover up my war wounds. People look at me like someone tried to chop my head off... I figure I will save them the wasted time of trying to figure out what happened to me - a friend of mine had the same thing and her husband started telling people that she just got back from Iraq. I couldn't do that to someone! :-)

We came home when I started feeling tired and it all hit me like a ton of bricks! All I could do was lay on the bed and stare at the wall. It is a strange feeling. My mind is surely active but my body doesn't want to move. I just got a spurt of energy and wanted to run in here and give ya'll a quick update. I am going to attach a picture from my big day out!

WEIGHT: 141lbs.
MOOD: Still optimistic
ENERGY: 6 out of 10 (at the moment)

Thank you again for all of your well wishes!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

First Full Day At Home

I tried very hard to relax and rest today but I seem to be very restless. I did get out today on my first outing because I had a big craving for block cheese! Yes.... I needed cheese for some reason. The church brought dinner by and we all sat down and had another wonderful meal (I will gain those pounds back in NO time!!!).

My blood pressure is still low (102/57) and I am going to call the doc tomorrow for some antibiotics for my incision - just a precautionary... it seems to be puffy and a little infected.

I am trying to keep my head upright as often as I can.... my neck is starting to hurt from keeping it down. I still have to look down every time I swallow for comfort. I have had bouts of dizziness and a little nausea tonight but all is well. I am still doing FAR better than I had imagined!!!

Thank you all for the calls, cards, comments, e-mails, texts, prayers, and gifts (and Uncle Ronnie's jokes)!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I just got home not that long ago...... took a LONG shower and put on my comfy jammies. I am about to go climb into bed. I feel FAR better than what I expected. It is hard to swallow and I have to keep my head down and to the right for the most comfort (the incision site is tight). Other than that I feel pretty normal, not too much dizziness or nausea. In the hospital I was only allowed 3 liquid meals so anyone who knows me knows that we had to make a pit stop at my favorite MCDONALD'S on the way home! :-) MUCH BETTER!

Here is the run down of what happened yesterday and today:

  • Got to the hospital and checked in at 5:30am

  • Went back to the prep area and went through all the usual pokings and prodding

  • At 6:30am Chad Strader came by and prayed with us (what an amazing person!!)

  • I was rolled back and the next thing I remember was opening my eyes and my family walking into my room

  • They took out my thyroid & the cancerous lymph node but not the para-thyroid

  • I couldn't really talk for about an hour (or that is how I remember it)

  • I was really groggy but comfortable (mostly from the morphine)

  • As the day progressed my voice became more normal (it is a little scratchy still but good)

  • I had a rough night with the swallowing (my fault for not wanting any more of the good drugs)

  • My saving grace was my ipod!! It relaxed me!!

  • I slept probably a total of 3 hours

  • This morning all the docs came by and my blood pressure stayed around 102/50 all day and my calcium level was low but stabilized and they agreed to let me spring out of that joint

  • I had many wonderful visitors!!! Thank you all so much!

  • The day before surgery I weighed 141lbs.... today I am 146lbs!! I am sure it is from all the liquids but this will be interesting to watch.

I came home to a VERY clean house (my sister hired 2 maids for 4 hours!!) and it was also filled with flowers and gifts (I just might have to do this more often! HAHA). Grandma Sandy took Peter to the Children's Museum and the Museum of Natural Science to see the dinosaurs so Jen & Gene could take great care of me!! We also had a great visit from Jim the night before surgery.... we all had a great dinner - my favorite shaggy dog rolls and they had them sing Happy Birthday to me with a dessert... it was HILARIOUS! I needed that laugh!

Here is what is next:

  1. Apparently my natural hormones will last in my body for up to 8 days (meaning I won't be sluggish until those are gone)

  2. Then I go to the Endo doc on 5/5/08 and get the exact date for the radiation

  3. I will start my permanent medication after radiation

Right now the crucial thing for me is to watch for my hands to tingle, if they do I have to go get a blood test ASAP at the surgeons office or the ER, this is a sign that the calcium is to low (did you know that if your calcium gets to low you stop breathing?? Either did I!!)

So.... ALL IS WELL!!! Everything went great!!


The surgery was to get rid of the parts feeding the cancer, now the radiation will KILL the cancer and hopefully that will be the end of MADGE!!!


Monday, April 21, 2008


I have been VERY busy the last couple of days!

The biggest update is this:

I went to the Internal Medicine doctor for my pre-op appt and she called the surgeon and the Endo doc on the phone and it seemed there was some miscommunication about my treatment immediately following the surgery (surgeon was going to put me on the thyroid med and the Endo doc was definitely NOT wanting me on it). My IM doc was great and got everyone together and on the same page. We now have the DEFINITE PLAN:

1. I am having a CENTRAL NECK DISSECTION in just a few hours!!

2. They are taking they Thyroid, Para-Thyroid, and lymph node out

3. If the parathyroid is benign they will take 3 pieces and place it back in my ARM

4. After surgery they will NOT place me on any thyroid medication so that my body will completely shut down in that respect so it can get ready for a "massive" dose of the radiation the week of 5/19 - this is not their usual practice and that is why there was some confusion. Since my case is "worse" then they needed to make some adjustments - PROGNOSIS IS STILL GREAT!!

5. I will have very specific instructions on what to watch out for in case my body shuts down from not being able to process the calcium. If it does shut down they will place me on the thyroid medication right away

That is about it. We won't know how long I will be in the hospital until after the surgery and they check my levels, etc..... I am packing a small bag just in case! :-)

I have been told that my voice will be affected so check this blog and you can e-mail me. I might not be able to call anyone for a while. :-) That could be a blessing to some! HAHA

I also will be VERY tired for at least 2 weeks since they are not giving me the medication. They are purposely sending me into HYPOthyroidism. That means I will be a BIG SLUG on the couch! :-)

Thank goodness for all the wonderful care I am receiving! My sister has been on top of everything!! I haven't had to lift a finger in 2 days - I am thinking of "milking" this as long as possible! HAHA

Tomorrow will go wonderful and I will be home before we all know it!! Thank you ALL so much for your prayers and support! I knew I had great friends and family but just the overwhelming show of love and several people willing to drop everything to be here for me is incredible!



Friday, April 18, 2008

Endocrinologist Update

Ok....I was quite surprised that I could make it this long on 2-3 hours of sleep and no food today! I have just been so darn excited that Brenna arrived before my surgery!!! I just got home from spending a few wonderful hours with the Leal Family at the hospital (Brenna slept in my arms for quite a while... just PRECIOUS!!).

OK... I was supposed to see my internal medicine doc this morning but since we didn't get home until 5am I had to bump that back until Monday at 3:00pm (so worth it!!).

However, I did get an unexpected call from my Endocrinologist, Dr. Nader, today and she said this:

1. She spoke to my surgeon, Dr.Emily Robinson, and they talked about how the lymph node was worse than they expected so they are changing my treatment plan up just a little bit.

2. Every thing will still proceed on Tuesday with the surgery but after the surgery they are NOT going to put me on any medication for the thyroid until I see her on May 5th. She said something about wanting my body to get ready for a "massive, huge" amount of radiation.

3. She also said she talked to the doctor who is going to administer my radiation and they agreed with this lymph node issue that I will definitely need this "massive, huge" amount and therefore he will probably keep me in the hospital during and after radiation.

4. On May 5th I will go to the Endo doc and they will do a pregnancy blood test to ENSURE I am not pregnant and then she will schedule the radiation for the week of 5/19/08. There will also be some other tests done and I think that is when I will find out about my permanent medication.

5. For the week after radiation she told me I cannot go anywhere due to quite a bit of testing I will have to have. Not quite sure for what... I am so tired I just wrote every thing down that she told me and didn't ask any questions (my brain was too slow).

Jennifer & Peter fly in!!

Sandy flies in

Surgery (I will be in the hosp from 1 to 7 days depending on my calcium levels, etc)

~ REST UNTIL MAY 5th, 2008 (I will do my BEST) ~

Today was my last day at work. It was all very surreal and it just kept hitting me through out the day that this is really happening! I have the BEST support any one could ask for and knowing with out a doubt that the end result is going to be good... I have NO fear, just a great peace that it is in God's hands and no matter what it is going to be ok.

I have to get better QUICK so I can spend PLENTY of time with Brenna!

Grammy... I got your card today, you have given me so much comfort and support! I cannot wait to give you a BIG hug!

I leave you with this (from Grammy's card):

"Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you" ~ Jeremiah 29:12



I have the BIGGEST update for you yet! Most of it I will have to share with you later today. However, I can share with you that GOD answered my prayers and GINGER HAD HER BABY THIS MORNING!!!! I was able to be there with her and I could not be more thankful and overjoyed!!! I also just got a call from my doctor with my "plan" and I will update you on that later today!! I am running on 3 hours of sleep but I have never been more giddy and excited!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My Family is Coming!!!

There was a lot of activity today!

  • My surgery time is 10:30am - check in at 8:30am at Memorial Hermann. I filled out all of the paperwork through fax, since I know the girls over there they didn't make me go through all of the red tape :-)

  • My sister Jennifer & my nephew Peter are coming SATURDAY!

  • My Step-Mom is coming MONDAY!

  • I went to the doctor and got my BC, they have to be refrigerated so I put them in the fridge at work and when I left I went to go get them and THEY WERE GONE! I was in a panic since I needed to start the medication TODAY. Luckily my BEST FRIEND saved the day!!! I don't get upset/mad that often but I ooohhhh was I UPSET (yes... I really was)!!

  • I see the Internal Med doc on Friday and I still need the appt for the Endo doc.

  • We figured out all of the FMLA mumbo jumbo so we are good to go!

Ya'll - Ginger is getting REALLY close to having that little baby girl! I am so excited and REALLY hoping I will be there for her every step of the way! I really do hope and pray I get to be there for her!!!!


I am REALLY excited to have my family here and to say "good bye" to MADGE!!


I leave you with this encouraging scripture from my dear friend Debby:

Taste and see that the Lord is good;blessed is the man who takes refuge in him ~ Psalms35:8

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I am going to put a Q&A posting up on Friday. I have had so many questions I thought this would be a great place to answer them in case you too have the same question! Please feel free to send your questions to: or just leave a comment and I will add them to the list! THANKS!! :-)



I got a bit impatient today waiting for that Vitamin D level so I called the corporate office of the lab who drew my blood and asked them to ensure my labs were in process (I started to worry it was overlooked or something). The woman was so nice! She said it was in process and she put me on hold, came back and said, "the results JUST came in, let me fax it to you". I WAS SO EXCITED! I checked the fax machine about every 3 minutes! It finally came across and the VITAMIN D LEVEL WAS NORMAL! I knew that meant we were a GO for surgery!

I called my surgeon's office and it took about 2 hours to get ahold of Craig, the nurse. Once I did he was GREAT! He was equally excited to get me on the books! He was concerned about my pathology report on the lymph node and he thought the surgeon would want to tell me that it didn't look good in person but I told him to just tell her to take it out if she wanted to and I am OK with it (all that means is they are taking another part out and that I am in Stage II cancer). He said she wouldn't have a problem with that and then told me my surgery date is:


I have one week to prepare and get things in order! I am SO EXCITED to get this over with. I think I am actually still not over the shock of it all and getting a surgery date once again made it feel a little more real. I have cancer and I am having surgery next week... so strange!!!

My family is already in full travel arrangement mode! :-) I am so blessed! I will be VERY well cared for!!

  • Turn in my FMLA paperwork
  • Call my Endo & Internal Med doctors (they wanted to see me again before the surgery)
  • See my OB/GYN @ 9:15am for the birth control
  • Still have to get that xray
  • Start my final wrap up at work


Monday, April 14, 2008


Is this not the CUTEST T-SHIRT EVER??? I had some wonderful goodies in the mail today (thank you all so much for the beautiful cards & Mom I got the Calcium!!) and this t-shirt comes with LOTS of love from Sandy & Dan in Mexico! I could not stop laughing! This is probably one of the greatest gifts I have ever received! I am going to wear it ALL the time!

Well I do have a lot to tell you today! Unfortunately the BIGGEST thing we were waiting on today did not happen..... the Vitamin D result did NOT come in. However, I did get my biopsy results. Basically, it wasn't conclusive. It did show RARE SUSPICIOUS CELLS but could not confirm carcinoma. The pathologist recommended additional testing since the tissue sample WAS NOT ENOUGH to get a good reading. UHG!

At this point, if it shows "rare" suspicious cells in the lymph node then I am ALL for taking that out as well. It basically is just a "garbage can" and I don't need it. I have not talked to my doctor about what she wants me to do but I really am hoping to avoid another biopsy - I really like those doctors over there but it just is not a pleasant experience. This was also to determine what stage I am in, since it is so treatable then I really don't think it is a crucial question to answer. That is just me.....

I had a GREAT weekend! On Saturday I got my hair done, then I cleaned out my closet since I have gone from a size 10/12 to a 6/8 I was able to put half my clothes away - yes I am keeping them for when I get back to normal. :-) Then my husband treated me with a little shopping spree. I am now fully stocked up on the cutest jammies and lounging clothes. After that excitement we went to the park and watched an REI kayak demo (when I am better that will be our new hobby). It was such a GORGEOUS day! NO HUMIDITY!!!!!

Sunday was VERY special, the Guidrys came to church with us and at the end of the service we went to the front and we had a group pray with us for comfort, courage, and for God to work through me. I tear up just thinking about how much love and support I have! We then went to lunch and as always laughed the entire time! :-)

Ginger and I then went and treated ourselves to spa pedicures - nothing will get you through cancer treatment and giving birth like GREAT TOES!!! HAHA We also did those last minute things for BABY! Auntie had to buy her the CUTEST little blinged out onesie that says ROCK STAR (that is for you Brotha B)!

So, hopefully tomorrow we might know about the Vit D levels. I feel 50/50 right now.... one moment I just want this all over with so I can move on and the next I am just going with the flow. I know it is frustrating because my dear family wants to make travel arrangements to come down for me and we just don't have an answer yet. :-( Hang in there guys... LOVE YOU! I have the BEST FAMILY AND FRIENDS!!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

You Get TWO Posts Today!

The thyroid is butterfly-shaped gland located just below the larynx (Adam's apple). It is a small, soft gland that wraps around the trachea (windpipe). The gland uses iodine to produce thyroid hormone, which has a key role in
regulating such functions as:

Your rate of metabolism
Your body temperature
Your heart rate
Your menstrual periods
Your mental alertness
Growth in children

No Results Yet

We waited anxiously all day for the Vitamin D and the Pathology report to come back today but they unfortunately did not. My surgeon's office called me at 4:45pm and stated since I work in this field and know the drill then as soon as they get the Vit D levels we will just book surgery without going to the pre-op appt which will save a lot of time since the surgeon only sees patients on Mondays.

I could paint this road all rosy but I have decided to be completely honest with you. Last night I was talking on the phone and all of a sudden I felt like I was going to pass out and throw up. I had to quickly get off the phone and I stood up to run to the bathroom and I got extremely dizzy. The only thing I can compare it to is motion sickness after getting off a carnival ride (hence why you never see me get on those ridiculous rides that spin!!!). I had to lay down for a couple of hours.

Today however I had a really good day! I felt wonderful (few bouts of dizziness and slight lethargy early in the am) but over all it was a GREAT day!

I really don't know how much of this is in my head or if it is really from Madge. I know my hormones are out of whack and I have some obvious physical symptoms so I just don't know.

Gene is making sure I am eating very healthy (for the first time I actually want to - it is all so new and strange to me - haha! - MAYBE THAT IS MY PROBLEM!! HAHA). My mom had her doctor friend who studies cancer make a special mineral mix for me which I have started taking.

That is really about it! It really was a quiet day.

My Plans This Weekend:

  • Organize my guest room (for my family) and closet (get all those comfy clothes washed and ready)

  • Take care of my business taxes and deposits, etc.....

  • I am getting my hair done (I was told it might be affected so I figured it needed a treat before this all begins)

  • Getting pedicure with Ginger for our upcoming hospital stays (since we won't be able to do our own for a while)

  • Seeing our good friends Scott & Lea

  • Sunday The Guidrys are coming to church with us which is a great treat!

  • Sunday afternoon we are hanging out with Bill & Ginger and taking care of all those things that need to get done since this could be our last free weekend together!

I hope you ALL have a wonderful weekend! I love you all!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Lymph Node Biopsy Today

Well my dear loved ones.... I wish I could say I got through the day with flying colors but it wasn't quite so. I had my biopsy and I am going to give you the breakdown so you can get a better understanding of what takes place:

1. I check in at Memorial Hermann Hospital and fill out all that wonderful paperwork

2. They take me into a large room with an exam bed and ultrasound machine.

3. They let me keep my dress on today and just put a bunch of towels around my neck and clothes so they don't get wet (last time I was gowned).

4. They dim the lights and have soft music playing (it makes me very sleepy)

5. Then the tech finds what is to be biopsied with the ultrasound machine and takes a picture

6. The doctor comes in (I had the same one as last time so we had some good laughs)

7. He preps the area with sterile solution and then takes the ultrasound and finds the lesion to be biopsied

8. Then he numbs the area (this was at the base of my throat on the left side) with shots of Lidocaine.

9. He then takes a special needle and guides it into the lesion using the ultrasound machine.

10. They always tell me to watch the screen but there is something about watching a needle go into my throat and then him start jamming in to the lesion over and over that makes me want to panic (all this while you are not supposed to move or swallow).

11. When he starts to get the tissue samples he moves the needle in and out and it is unpleasant.

12. He had to take 3 tissue samples today to get a good amount and on one of them my Lidocaine had worn off and of course that was not a good feeling.

13. When it is done he holds pressure on the area to stop the bleeding and then does another check with the ultrasound to ensure there is no internal bleeding. There was some last time but not this time.

14. Since they had to go deeper this time it does hurt worse afterwards and it hurts to swallow but I am FINE and I am glad it is OVER

NO MORE BIOPSIES!!!!! This is a good day!!! :-)

I had about a 2 hour bout of extreme lethargy today (of course it could have been a sugar crash from all the cake I ate from RT's going away party - haha!! We will miss you RT - I will always have chap stick for you!!!!).

Since I have handed over my job I am able to leave at a more decent hour lately and I was delighted to come home and there was a box of flowers on my doorstep! The card said they were from the "Dash Lab"!!! I am so extremely touched!!! Dash is one of the doctors I used to work with on the academic side and we became very good friends, he is genuinely one of the nicest people I know and his thoughtfulness means the world to me!!!!

I am going to go get my comfy clothes on, call my sister Michelle who had knee surgery this morning, and then CRASH! I am so tired!

  • Get pathology results from today's biopsy

  • Should get the Vitamin D level we are all anxiously awaiting. We cannot schedule surgery until those labs come back at a good level - if they come back that I am Vit D deficient then we have to wait on surgery until they are corrected. I have been taking 1,000 mg of Vit D each day that I dissolve on my tongue. CROSS YOUR FINGERS!!!!

San - your comment did show up!!! :-)

Grammy - your e-mail went straight to my HEART! I LOVE YOU!

Erin - see... I had to get another biopsy, I needed another excuse! HAHA

Ginger - your words were so encouraging, as always!! I love you!

I leave you with a wonderful scripture that Ginger left on a comment:

2 Timothy 1:7 says "For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline."

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Cardiac Clearance Day

I have a few updates for you today:

1. I went to my cardiologist and since I just had my exams & tests not that long ago he gave me the go ahead for surgery (wasn't worried about this one).

2. I decided to call the BEST expert I know on birth control since I haven't taken it in YEARS.... the one and only GINGER LEAL! She gave me great advice and we came up with a GREAT game plan! I am going to see my OB/GYN on Wed and I am going to ask for Implanon (great product!!). I was worried about taking the pill due to the last time I took it I was an emotional wreck and that is the last thing I need right now! This product is inserted in the arm and does not have estrogen so there won't be any hormone issues. I am excited I now have a plan for that portion of my treatment (I just had to bite the bullet on this one.....). I just think it is great that my BEST friend has a hand in my treatment! I am comforted by that. :-)

3. I spoke to another person today who has had her thyroid out (for non-Madge reasons) and she said she was very lethargic for 2 weeks after surgery but then slowly started to come around. It took her a couple of years to get the meds right and now she feels GREAT!!

4. I spoke to Craig at my surgeons office and we agreed that the pathology report and the Vitamin D level will be back on Friday so I am to call him Fri or Mon and he will get me in quickly for my pre-op appointment.

  1. Lymph Node Biopsy 10:00am - NPO after midnight tonight

  2. Pick up FMLA paperwork from HR

I had a hard time last night just with the "letting go" and stepping back from work. I know.... it really is a blessing that I can be stress free right now but I realized that I really do care so much for my patients and their well being and it is hard to be the one getting all the help now. I talked it out and received some wonderful encouragement and I felt much better when I went to bed!!!!

Today I had about 1 hour of TOTAL lethargy but other than that I feel fine! :-)

I leave you with this:

"We have peace today - not because there are no storms in the world, but because the LORD is our peace in the midst of the storm."

** Thank you Mama G & Erin for your wonderful comments!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Quiet Day Today

It has been a quiet day for me. No doctor's appointments and it feels GOOD! The only interesting thing I have to tell you today is that I checked the website for my insurance and just last week alone I had $21,000 in medical costs! Thank God for insurance!!!:-)

My sister Jennifer's friend went through this as well so I asked her how she felt after the surgery, this is her response:

I was in good shape and young so thought I’d bounce back fast but I hated having any pressure at the base of my throat – always felt like I had on a really tight turtleneck. So this really annoyed me and felt like swallowing was more of a chore due to this surgery. I don’t believe my parathyroid was even touched but because this is such a sensitive area, I had to get blood taken every couple days for a while and then once a week for a few weeks after this surgery – their concern in “annoying” the parathyroid was that it gets mad easily and could mess up my body’s ability to absorb calcium. So I had take some serious calcium meds for a while.

So the two things I battled after they thryroidectomy was the pressure at my adams apple area and trying to get my body back to normal by taking replacement thyroid hormones. I really didn’t feel normal or near normal for a good 18 months as every 6 to 12 weeks we would take blood, endocrinologist would tweak my thyroid hormones and would then try to see if that dosage was too high or too low. So pace yourself that you may have days where you feel off, or jittery or super lethargic and it is really aligned with the tweaking of these hormones.

I leave you with this wonderful scripture my friend Lidia sent me today:

" 'My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.' So, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me." --2 Corinthians 12:9

Monday, April 7, 2008


There is a lot to tell you about today:

1. My biopsy is Thursday at 10am - they are going to do the left lymph node only, should not be nearly as painful and uncomfortable as the Thyroid biopsies (I still have a nasty bruise on my neck - just looks like I have a really good hickey!!). :-)

2. I handed my work over to my wonderful coworkers today. They took it all in stride and I have FULL confidence they are going to do a great job! I did have my first little "meltdown" today after that. This made it feel real. I got a great text message that put a HUGE smile on my face so that made my meltdown last all of 2 minutes!

3. I went to the Endocrinologist today, Dr. Nader. She confirmed a lot of things but also added these new little tid bits:
  • I will be off work for at least 6 weeks.

  • I will have "massive" amounts of radiation starting 2 weeks after surgery but they will have to determine what type and how to administer it after they check my levels after surgery.

  • I absolutely have to guarantee that I am not pregnant and will not get pregnant for up to a year after surgery - I think we all know that is not a problem here (of course you know how things go for me, try for years and this will end up being the time - HAHA!). She wants me to take birth control pills, there is a reason I only took them for a couple of months YEARS ago - they made me nuts! We will go with Plan B on this one! :-)

  • I showed her all of the pills the surgeon told me to take and she agreed.

  • They do the radiation to kill what is left of the THYROID so they have a marker for if or when it comes back later or metastasises. Also to try to kill the cancer cells as well.

  • Wednesday - I see my cardiologist for cardiac clearance for surgery

  • Thursday - Have my biopsy to see if they are taking the lymph node as well
  • Waiting for my Vitamin D level to come back

  • Will schedule surgeon appt & Internal Medicine appt once that comes back (for this week)

  • Still need to go have an xray done of my right jaw

  • My throat is hurting and I constantly have to clear it because it feels like someone is slightly squeezing it

  • My "chest" is REALLY hurting - some labs came back that my hormones are all out of whack due to my thyroid and they said that was most likely the reason ( I am not complaining however... after losing 20lbs it is nice to get my chest back again). :-)

I am very tired and I will end on this beautiful scripture from a sweet card that Mama G sent to me (love you):

He quieted the wind down to a whisper, put a muzzle on all the big waves. And you were so glad when the storm died down, and He led you safely back to the harbor. ~ Psalm 107:29-30
Thank you for all of your prayers!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sunday, April 6th, 2008

Had another great day! Just feels like someone is pinching my throat a bit (could all be in my head - haha!). I made my "Madge" bag. I gathered all of my doctors' information and medical reports to keep in one place. I also finally wrote down all my appts in my day planner to keep it all organized. I put all of the supplements in this bag as well to show the Endocrinologist I am meeting with tomorrow to ensure I am on the right track for surgery. Tomorrow's appt is going to be very informative. What I am hoping to learn is:

1. What is the average time off work after surgery.

2. How often will they change the medication to get me regulated.

3. Is the radiation a pill and how long will it stay in my system (I get to go home after but the surgeon said I cannot touch things that other people will touch for 24hrs).

4. What exactly will be affected by taking the lymph node out if they take it.

5. I want to know just how sick I will feel, will it just be the lethargy or will I get nauseous...etc.

So, expect a big update tomorrow!

I leave you with these very encouraging words from Holly:

Jesus “broke the bread” (which represents YOU, broken), in order for Him to use “YOU” (His bread) to reach the thousands!
Enough said! :-) Today I felt so encouraged by some very special people! Thank you! I am overwhelmed by the support and love!
** My brother B - I JUST read your post on the MOMO post. THANK YOU!!! Love ya!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Saturday, April 5th, 2008

Today we had the BEST weather here in Sugar Land!! Gene had to work all day so I met up with Ginger for lunch and we had our favorite comfort food (sushi "shaggy dogs") and then we had a mission of finding us both comfy & cute jammies! For her it was for after the baby and for me it was for after surgery. We were both successful! My goal right now is to spend as much time with them as possible because I don't know what to expect after surgery and with the radiation. We had a great day of talking and shopping. Then I spent the evening with Billy, he made fajitas and we watched a bit of boxing. I am now at home and ready to climb on the couch and chill. Today I noticed my voice was a little hoarse (I was told the tumors might start to press in on my larynx - I don't mind.... it sounds a bit sexy! HAHA).


When I told my sisters that I had the cancer we all kept having a hard time saying the actual word. So we decided to name it to make it easier on ourselves. My sister came up with the name MADGE after hearing me read my pathology report and so I made myself a MOTTO to keep MOTIVATED (my version of Live Strong - haha):


Hence, MOMO was born! When anyone gets sad we just say, "MOMO" and we laugh! So if you ever want to encourage me if I happen to have a down moment, just say, "MOMO!!" and you will see a smile again! :-)

Friday, April 4, 2008


4/4/08 - The surgeon told me these things today about my recovery:

  • I will have only a 6cm incision if she only takes out the thyroid & parathyroid

  • A much larger (she demonstrated about 3 to 4 inches) if it includes the lympnode

  • I will have a drain in my throat after surgery

  • I will most likely have a very hoarse voice for up to a couple of months (there is a chance of nerve damage and it could be a little worse)

  • If my CALCIUM level is normal then I can go home the next day

  • They will put me on medication immediately after surgery to give my body what the thyroid was doing for me for 4 to 8 days then I will be placed on my permanent medication

  • It will take months to regulate the medication and I was told by quite a few doctors today that I will not feel well at all, very lethargic and other side effects

  • The chances of this coming back is very small if at all


4/4/08 - I met with the surgeon today and this is the plan so far:

  1. I will have surgery to remove my Thyroid, Parathyroid, and lymphnode if the nodule on my lymphnode is malignant the week after next (week of 4/14) if my Vitamin D levels are normal.

  2. I will do a bout of radiation therapy after surgery to kill the cancer (those pesky nodules) and I will be radioactive for only 24 hours! They will repeat this every 3 months or so until the cancer is gone.

  3. I will be on medication for the rest of my life to give my body what it needs since the thyroid will no longer be there

I have another biopsy to do next week to check to see what stage I am in (there are only stage I & II since I am under 40yrs old). If the lymphnode is malignant then I am stage II.


  • Thyroid cancer accounts for 1% of all of the cancers out there.
  • Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma (what I have) is the most common and treatable type of thyroid cancer
  • There is a 90% success rate for me particularly since I am under 40 years of age
There are three types of thyroid cancer treatment:
Radioactive iodine

Surgery is done to remove as much of the cancer as possible. The bigger the lump, the more of the thyroid gland must be removed. Frequently, the entire gland is taken out.

After the surgery, most (but not all) patients receive radioactive iodine, which is usually taken by mouth. This substance kills any remaining thyroid tissue. It also helps make medical images more clear, so doctors can see if there is any additional cancer.

After surgery, the patient will need to take medication called levothyroxine sodium for the rest of their life. This replaces the hormone that they thyroid would normally make.

The patient will need a blood test every 3 to 6 months to check thyroid levels, and an imaging test called a
radioactive iodine (I-131) uptake scan once a year.

Outlook (Prognosis)
The survival rate for papillary thyroid cancer is excellent. More than 95% of adults with such cancer survive at least 10 years. The prognosis is better for patients younger than 40 and for those with smaller tumors (YEAH!!)


Back in November I was short of breath and my doctor sent me to the ER, I had a CT and they sent me home and said I had pneumonia.

February 2008, I was experiencing sharp chest pain and the doctor I work with sent me to the ER (yes... I felt like a hyporchondriac!!). They did a CTA and said it was just chest wall inflammation and they gave me a shot of morphine and sent me home.

Turned out on these two reports it showed that I had ONE thyroid nodule and since no one told me about them I didn't worry about it. However, I told my sisters and since I had lost about 20lbs in just about 4 weeks they felt it was something to get checked out. I also had a friend tell me about a friend of theirs that had a bad headache and went to the doctor and a week later she had passed from leukemia. So, I felt after much pushing from my sisters to get it checked out.

On 3/9/08 I went to an Internal Medicine doctor, Dr. Ersoy, and she suggested that I have an ultrasound of my thyroid and then they would do a fine needle biopsy depending on the results.

3/12/08 I had my ultrasound and after the tech finished she came back and told me the radiologist wanted her to do my lymphnodes as well. She then proceeded to look at them for 40 minutes. I knew at this point the doctor must have seen something strange.

The ultrasound showed 8 "nodules" all around my thyroid and 1 on my lymphnode. Dr. Ersoy then set up a FNA (fine needle biopsy) to see if these "nodules" were cancerous or not.

4/2/08 - I had the FNA and let me tell you, I am usually pretty darn cool when it comes to all this medical testing etc... but watching a needle go into my neck on the ultrasound machine was FREAKY! They ended up poking me 12 times and they did 3 samples on the right and the left side of my neck. It was not pleasant and I am still hurting from it.

4/3/08 4pm - The pathology report came back that the biopsy on the LEFT side was positive for malignancy and the official diagnosis is PAPILLARY THYROID CARCINOMA.

I spent about 20 minutes in complete shock while my doctor ran around trying to find the best names and MD Anderson Cancer Center. I then realized that I needed to go tell my husband and he was VERY supportive and encouraging. We sat in shock for a while.

I then began the process of calling my loved ones. At this time however I only knew my diagnosis and not how bad it was or what my prognosis was.

4/4/08 - I had an appointment with Dr. Ersoy and then the surgeon since she stated the cancer needed to come out. The surgeon came highly recommended and I feel very good about it. Her name is Dr. Emily Robinson. Sitting with her and getting all the answers and explanations of what I am facing was great.