Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Medical Mistake or Alien Implant?? Hhhmmm???

Some of you know by now that I had a very interesting day! :-) Yesterday I took advantage of my day off and went to a few doctor appointments. One of those was to have a chest x-ray to see if the cancer had gone into my lungs and/or bones and also a neck ultrasound to see if those 2 new tumors have grown. Well..... we got more than we bargained for!

I had a new ultrasound tech who was really sweet and we chatted up a storm until she turned all serious and said she had to go talk to the radiologist. This typically happens just to ensure that the radiologist can tell the tech if they got all the pictures and measurements they need. She came back in and said, "the radiologist wants me to concentrate on something on the right side of your neck". Well she had done 3 measurements there so I already knew there was something of interest (usually they only measure one "tumor" on that side). She then left again and was gone for 15 MINUTES! I took advantage of my "alone time" and snapped the picture above on my cell phone (I felt so criminal... like the time that Ginger and I "smuggled" Cuban cigars in our bikini tops - only to find out we were in international waters and it didn't count! I make a terrible criminal!! - HAHA!!).

I thought some of you might want to see this scar tissue I am always talking about. There is no denying that it is there!!

So, 15 minutes later the tech comes in and a few doctors are trailing after her. My first thought was I must have this GIGANTIC tumor and they needed to come make sure before they gave me the grim news but right off the bat the doctor BLURTS, "we think they left a metal clip in your throat during surgery, I need to look at it". Of course I made some lame joke and he looked at me like I was insane (I don't understand why people think I am crazy for not getting upset all the time). :-)

He poked and prodded for a while and then the tech grabbed the wand and pushed my jugular to the side and said, "see, when you push and move the jugular it is right behind it". The main doctor (the others never said anything or looked me in the eyes) came to the foot of my bed and said (very sternly), "I am going to go make a report and send it to your doctor". All I could say was, "ok, thank you very much".

I laughed pretty much the rest of the day and night. What else can I really do? I am just so thankful it isn't a pair of scissors or a scalpel! Can you imagine that? Good golly! I just crack up at the thought that I am one of those people you see on the Discovery Chanel about surgeries gone bad - haha!

So, one of the doctors I work with pulled my report up this morning and sure enough it stated there is a metal object in there. There were some other very perplexing things that are new but until I talk to my "real" doctor I am not going to get into that yet. The x-ray stated I had pneumonia (I have been feeling funky but not congested) so I am MILKING it tonight (I think back rubs cure pneumonia right???). :-)

Seriously... I cannot stop laughing and I feel great so don't even worry one little bit. It actually explains a few things so I am relieved to know what is going on in there.

I am going to call my doctor tomorrow and see if I should be concerned at all. I shall update ya'll as soon as I know what we are going to do about my "alien implant".

ALSO... I am going to talk to our grants and contracts department this week because I have decided to start up a charity for thyroid cancer research (send me any name ideas). I work right down the hall from the endocrinology research department and I will talk to the chairman as well. Stay tuned! That means I get to do another fun website and finally have my non-profit! Of course I thought it would be for orphans and refugees (speaking of which Jacob is getting back from Sudan and day now) but this too is close to my heart.

Ok... I just had some caffeine so I could go on and on but I have to go "play sick"! HAHA!


(she threw a nice little curve ball today)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi brandy,
it's me, maryjane--Dr. Cook's NP. You have such a great sense of humor. I love it.
And yes what a curve ball thrown. keep your eye on the ball and hit a home run babe. You can do it. I know you can do it. love and prayers. mj