Thursday, January 8, 2009



Take a moment and thank your darn thyroid because trust me, you don't want to be with out that little sucker!! HA!

First, thank you all for allowing me to "check out" during the month of December while I enjoyed a blissful month of NO DOCTORS APPOINTMENTS (the 12/30 one didn't really count - HA).

I must say, I feel so great lately and I was dreading going to the doctor this morning and just having to hear the word CANCER again. It was so great to feel normal again in Dec that I just didn't want to hear anyone say I was "sick" again. But I had such a great day (thanks in big part to my best friend coming to see me for lunch) that I feel ready now!!!! Thanks Gingee for ALWAYS being there for me!!!

Ok... without further adieu here is what happened today:

  • I went to my endo doctor at 8am and first was seen by the resident, they always just go over every little thing I have been through....

  • The doctor came in and went over it again and then did a thorough exam (again, always wear your best ladies!!) of all the lymph nodes and my throat and she also said she could feel the scar tissue in my throat that has been giving me some issues here and there (feels like someone is pressing on my throat about 50% of my day).

  • I had some blood test to check all my levels
She then gave me the game plan... she stated she needed 5 consecutive days that everyone will be available so we chose January 26th to start this:

MONDAY - Shot of Thygen (sp?) which means I DON'T HAVE TO GET OFF MY SYNTHROID - best possible news I could have heard! That was my BIGGEST fear because that would mean off my meds I would feel really horrible again! YEA!!!! BIG PRAYER ANSWERED!! THANKS!

TUESDAY - Shot of Thygen

WEDNESDAY - take the low dose of radiation - they will tell me to come in on Thurs or Fri

THURSDAY OR FRIDAY - will return to the nuclear medicine department to have the FULL BODY uptake I-131 scan to see if I am "glowing" in any areas (I can see the screen as soon as it is done). It will glow if where ever there is cancer.

Then we will know the NEXT step. Here is the deal, if it is glowing that means the cancer is still there and having a good ol' time. If I am not glowing it still means that since my last blood test showed a significant amount of protein being secreted by that "stem" they left in there that it is inevitable the cancer will return. So, either way she said it most likely means surgery but hey..... you just never know!!

I am just SO happy that I do not have to get off my medication! That is a HUGE relief!!!!

Here is some info on how the uptake scan is done (what I did before):

The person is asked to either drink a liquid or take a pill that contains radioactive iodine. The radioactive iodine goes into the thyroid gland over the next several hours. About four hours after taking the iodine, the person is asked to lie down on a table below a special camera that can detect the radioactive material. While the person lies very still, the camera takes pictures of the thyroid gland. It takes about 30 to 60 minutes to take all the required pictures. Usually, the person is asked to come back 24 hours later to have a second set of pictures taken, which only takes about 5 minutes.


And there you have it! No matter what happens I know it won't be last time since I am already used to my medication - SHE SAID SHE WAS INCREASING IT AGAIN TODAY!!!! I never did increase it like I was supposed to and she didn't yell at me! I was scared to tell the endo nazi!

I told my boss today what was happening and I was so touched by his response! He told me he had cancer 7 years ago and all he was concerned about was if I was ok. It was a nice bonding moment! He said to just do what ever I have to do to make sure I am ok. That was a big relief.

I have had a taste now of feeling good and not having to deal with this for a month that I want it again SO BAD!! PERMANENTLY!!! I am going to fight this time much harder! I have some great goals for 2009 and they are already in full force so that keeps me very motivated to get this OVER with and move on!


Good news to report.... the antibiotics are WORKING! The bumps are almost GONE! YEA!

Love you all and thank you again for allowing me to be "free" in December!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


It was MY joy and MY pleasure to be there with you today! Rest assured I am always going to be there for you... in good times and in bad. We're like an old married couple! Ha ha! I love you, my dear. We are going to get rid of Madge this time for good, so she better get her bullet-proof vest prepared. We are bringing out the BIG GUNS!
