Friday, January 30, 2009


Yes, this proves that beauty is only SKIN deep! HAHA!! Totally kidding! I think my innards are gorgeous! :-)

Above is one of the pictures of the scans that I had today. Unfortunately I didn't get a shot of the "state of the art" orange ones that are really clear and look super cool (probably a good thing cause you can see the outline of my body and my intestines were glowing and I don't think y'all want to see THAT much of me! HAHAHA!).

So, I arrived at 8:30am and I sat in the little waiting room and another lady was outside asking about where she was to have her thyroid scan. She came in and I said, "I am sorry but did I hear you say thyroid?" She went on and on about how her thyroid is overactive and she is trying to get it fixed. She was just your typical sweet Texas lady who instantly was one of your new friends. Then she left and a young girl in her 20's came in and she said, "I am so sorry if you heard that, I couldn't help but talk about you.... etc..." I told her I hadn't heard a thing but I get it everyday so don't worry, then we went on and on and ended up laughing SO hard about height and my plight (haha). She was adorable and I instantly loved her because when I told her I was 36 she fell over in her chair and said, "I could have sworn you were 25". I told her she was coming with me the REST of the day! This girl was just adorable!!! Then they called me back!

I walked in the scan room and they had a NEW scanner which the tech Michael was really excited about. He said it had sensors that knew exactly where your body was so it could get really close. I learned that each time I took a breath it would raise up and then come back down. It freaked me out at one point because it was literally 1/4 inch from my face and when it got past my nose it when down to my lips. As soon as it passed my head I turned to look at the screen which was about 6 feet away. I saw that my neck area was glowing but not drastically. It was kind of like when you take a pregnancy test and the pink line is just barely there... you don't know if it is POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE. So for 25 minutes I sat there wondering what the verdict was then the machine started flashing WARNING WARNING - something about radioactivity. Well come on now... any one would freak out a little bit. Finally someone came in and she said the machine must have thought it hit me.

Then I had to do some more scans just on the neck. I asked Michael (who is always my tech) if my scan was glowing or not! He said you mean this area right here, yes that is glowing (my heart sank) but that is NOT your neck, that is your saliva glands". He then said the most beautiful words, "you are not glowing what so ever in the area of concern." I said, "are you sure, are you saying that it really is not glowing at all in the entire neck?" and he said, "NO GLOWING". He was really excited too and then he let me get up and he told me to come look at the other computer and he showed me some of my scans. He told me I could take a picture of it for my family up in Seattle (shout out). That is what you are seeing above... I know, don't be all jealous now!

The part that is bright is my intestines and my saliva glands. That is because if you remember that is how the radiation comes out. So I really have to be careful not to get the saliva stones again (that means I have to keep my saliva production really high with sour candies - oh and eating a lot!! Ok I added that part).

I then went across the street for my blood work and the lady taking it was even funnier than the previous two gals I had met! She really made my day with her comments and antidotes. I tell ya.... God made me laugh ALL day cause He knew I was nervous!!

I was walking through the hospital on my way back to work and I ran into my young little friend and I told her my test didn't glow and we both started screaming and jumping up and down - it was a hilarious scene!!

Now before we start dancing in the streets we must remember that I have not received official confirmation from my doctor. That should happen on Monday!



I told you I was going to be tougher on the ol' gal and kick her out!


I will give you the "official" word when I get it!!

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