Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Just a reminder that I started this blog for two reasons, one because I was getting calls every 5 minutes from my sweet loved ones & friends wanting to know how I was doing and I was in such shock and so tired that I decided to post updates here so everyone could know what was going on. Second, I told you all that I was going to tell the truth and let you peek inside the life of someone living with cancer and so when you meet someone going through it as well you would have a better understanding of what they were going through.

This is not my "pity party" and most of all I don't want to sound negative. It is just reality and sometimes it really sucks. Luckily for me most of the time everything is GREAT and I laugh and enjoy my days (well starting in December!!). :-)

I am a little sensitive today, I am sure it is these darn shots! :-)

I went in for the second shot today and she asked me how I was feeling. I told her about the sharp pains in my head and she apologized and told me that I needed to be thankful that I will only suffer for ONE week and not several like it used to be. I said, "amen sister, I was so excited when I learned about these shots!!". Then she asked me if there was anything else and I said, "yes, I am quite the b*itch today...... I called my husband a son of a b*itch this morning and I MEANT IT". HAHA! This is actually true! I know....... I don't know where it came from!! He ruined my coffee on accident and we were running late and it made me so mad! Now you all know I get mad about 3 times a year and it lasts for about 5 minutes. I guess this means you better not screw up my coffee! HAHAHA!!!! Oh you should have seen the look on his face - priceless! He didn't say a word - I don't think I have ever seen him so shocked!!!

She explained (oh yes I did apologize about 15 minutes later which is a lifetime for me... that is like our 5th "fight" in 18 years) that the shots have thrown me into HYPOthyroidism and so my body is completely out of whack (obviously hormones as well). I also mentioned to her that I cannot concentrate for the life of me and she said that was common (just like before my meds were leveled).

However, I wasn't grouchy at all after that and I have been forgiven!! :-) It is quite funny now. My hubby just looked at me and said, "I know you are going through a lot and I understand it is not easy, I am here for you". :-) What a trooper!

So later in the day I started feeling nauseous but we had plans to go out to eat with Bill, Ginger, & Brenna after not seeing them for DAYS and I wasn't going to miss it! I started feeling better and we had a GREAT time (as always).

One of the other things I have noticed is that I have DEFINITELY gained weight! I know it is only 2 days in but the way I eat it isn't a surprise (I seriously eat every 30 minutes). I am anxious to get on the scale - I will report on that tomorrow. You all know I went from 163lbs to 140lbs and have stayed at 143lbs for over a year now. This should be interesting to see how this affects it after ya'll know how hard it has been to gain weight! :-)


I check into admissions at the hospital at 7:30am and then go to nuclear medicine for the "radioactive iodine" pill. It is so cool... a guy in a "space suit" brings it to you and you cannot touch it. Tomorrow is a LOW dose so I can go back to work.

NOTHING - I get the day off!! YAY!!!

I am off to bed now... the lethargy has kicked in too! I have learned to REALLY appreciate my thyroid medication now! I WILL NEVER COMPLAIN AGAIN ABOUT TAKING IT EVERY DARN DAY FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!! I love it and I appreciate it!!!!


** HEY MARYJANE!! Thanks for the great comment! I will come see y'all soon & I PROMISE TO HIT A HOME RUN!!! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that I could not stop laughing after reading that you called Gene a SOB. So funny. Thanks for the laugh!