Friday, January 30, 2009

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I am going to make this quick because I am not feeling so hot. :-(
I went to nuclear medicine this morning and the guy told me I needed to take a pregnancy test because the radiation would harm the baby. I was having deja vu! I told him I had a test on Monday and the Monday before and they were negative. He said he would have to call my doctor. The good thing is the nurse wrote that I had a negative pregnancy test on my protocol so I whipped that out of my purse. Then he confessed that the doctor wasn't there yet so I waited almost an HOUR! Goodness.... and to think my patients used to wait up to 2 hours! SO SORRY!
So the doctor came in and I hadn't met this one before, he was very young and very nice (all the guys in nuclear medicine are so extremely nice I wrote a raving letter to their manager who was one of my neurosurgery patients). So, he gave me the usual spiel about everything and then they went to get the dose. This one was only 5 (I don't know what measuring unit they use) and when I took the dose to "kill" the cancer it was 220 so this one is SMALL but still packed a punch!!
They came in with the silver can and she had me take the container out from inside of it. You are not allowed to touch the pill so you take it like a shot and down a bunch of water. I wasn't allowed to eat or drink for 30 minutes (which was a real bummer because I was going to grab a HUGE breakfast right after that).
I did ask about being around Brenna and he said I was not allowed to kiss her (the radiation comes out the saliva and urine) and I couldn't hug or hold her until after my scan on Friday. I had already mentally prepared for that and that is a big part of why we all went to dinner last night. :-(
So no kissing and canoodling for me for 2 days. At least I am not quarantined for 7 days again! :-)
That is it. I have not had a good day physically but mentally I am happy as all get out!!! I got anxious today for the first time really about the test on Friday. I could find out I am cancer free! How cool would that be.... or I could find out that it is still there and we go for round 2! I am OK with that outcome, I know what to expect this time so it isn't scary. Don't get me wrong though... I am really ready to move on with my life!! I will see the screen after my test and I will see if it glows or not but I won't get that official call from my doctor until Monday. I will report if it glowed or not but I won't have a plan until next week if it does.
Ok... I am off to go rest. I will report on what I am going through physically tomorrow. I have NOTHING on the agenda tomorrow - YAY YAY YAY!!!! :-) Of course I wish I could just go have the scan and know one way or another!!! I have never been good with anticipation! :-)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

Saturday, January 24, 2009
MONDAY 8:45am – Shot
TUESDAY 8:45am – Shot
WEDNESDAY 7:30am – Radioactive Iodine Pill
FRIDAY 8:30am – Full Body Scan
The shot is something new in the past few years, this will prevent me from having to stop my medication (they used to stop it 5 weeks prior to test) and so I won't get so sick! HURRAY FOR MODERN MEDICINE!! Before you would have to stop the medicine so there would be NO iodine processing what so ever in the body. That way when you take the radioactive iodine PILL it goes IMMEDIATELY to the thyroid which does all of your iodine processing and then the radiation goes directly to the cancer (the glow on the scan) and so it was more potent. Now, they give you a shot that does the same thing but you no longer have to get off the medication so I won't be a HUGE nauseous slug! YAY!!!
Here are updates on the other 2 issues:
METAL OBJECT: No new news! I get asked every 10 minutes what the latest is and I swear you will know when I do!! :-) I also keep getting asked if I am going to file a lawsuit. Some of you know when I was 17 years old I was very close to losing my leg (staph & gangrene) from a negligent doctor who decided to give me a 8 inch 3rd degree burn while cutting off a cast. That was a VERY difficult time and I ended up settling out of court a year after it started due to the stress. So, quite honestly unless it is threatening my life it doesn't really upset me or phase me that much. I have worked in surgery for 12 years and I have more compassion for the surgeon that most people I guess, it wasn't on purpose and it is so minor (well as far as I know) so at this point I really am not thinking about it. :-) If for some reason it does turn into me having another surgery and/or compromising my health then it will be considered, but it will be a very hard decision to make after what I have experienced in the past.
PNEUMONIA: I had about 3 hours of misery on Thursday and then I seemed to be doing very well with just he occasional bout of feeling feverish and heavy chested. Then I woke up this morning all congested. ICK! But I still feel it was caught so early that it will be over before it gets too bad. :-)
HERE IS SOME EXCITING NEWS!!!! Yesterday on my way home from work something REALLY big hit me. I think I didn't realize it before due to the news about the metal object & pneumonia..... THERE WERE NO NODULES REPORTED ON THE ULTRASOUND!! What that means is NO TUMORS!!! BUT..... all 9 of my tumors were between .7 to 1.5 mm (anything above 1mm is of concern) and there is a COMPLEX structure measuring 9.8mm on the right side of my throat. At this point my guess and after reading the report is that it is the calcium build up from my body rejecting the metal object (it is in the same area). So, this POTENTIALLY could mean that the radiation actually DID work and my tumors all shrank and went off into oblivion! COOL STUFF!!! Of course nothign is official unitl the doctor confirms it!! I will know more after all my testing is done. See... there is always a POSITIVE!!! :-)
I am really excited, I have decided on a name for the cancer research fund! STAY TUNED!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The doctor FINALLY called me back at around 6pm tonight and mind you this is the endo nazi that NEVER laughs at my jokes (maybe I am just not funny??), she is always just direct and to the point. When I answered the phone she said this:
"Ms. Chandler (read all of this in an Iranian accent) you have pneumonia, you cannot get sick, you need to be on medicine immediately, you cannot get sick, call Dr. Ersoy immediately and get medicine, if she can't help you right away then call me back in the morning and I will call some stuff in immediately, you cannot get sick. Tell her you have your scan next week and you cannot get sick. Now, as far as your ultrasound, you have a calcification, this is perplexing, you also have a metallic object in there and quite frankly I am really confused. I ran into your surgeon today and asked her if she uses metal clips in her thyroidectomy cases and she is going to look at the surgery report (I have the report and it does not mention clipping or leaving a clip in there). I have never seen this. I don't know what is going on at this point and I need to get the full picture from her. I cannot proceed until she tells me what is going on. The metal object and the calcification have to be addressed but I cannot move on until I have the whole picture, I just don't know what to do. We need to get your scan very quickly and move forward. First however you must stop the pneumonia. Do you understand?"
I said yes and she said to proceed with my treatment course for next week and she will call me when she knows more about why this metal object is in there and if it caused the calcification.
That is it. Hearing my "tough" doctor all frazzled gave me a moment of concern but she didn't send me to the ER so I am assuming I shall live! HAHA!!
1. I will get on MORE antibiotics tomorrow (I actually stopped my other course because - GOOD NEWS - my face is 90% back to normal!! WOO HOO!!!)
2. I will try my darndest NOT to let the pneumonia get me (caught it super early... I just have a little baby cough)
3. I start the shots on Monday if this clip/calcification/pneumonia ordeal doesn't stop things
So no worries.... we are just rolling with the punches and we shall see where this adventure takes us. You might want to buckle yourselves in for this one.... it could get a little bumpy! :)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Medical Mistake or Alien Implant?? Hhhmmm???

I had a new ultrasound tech who was really sweet and we chatted up a storm until she turned all serious and said she had to go talk to the radiologist. This typically happens just to ensure that the radiologist can tell the tech if they got all the pictures and measurements they need. She came back in and said, "the radiologist wants me to concentrate on something on the right side of your neck". Well she had done 3 measurements there so I already knew there was something of interest (usually they only measure one "tumor" on that side). She then left again and was gone for 15 MINUTES! I took advantage of my "alone time" and snapped the picture above on my cell phone (I felt so criminal... like the time that Ginger and I "smuggled" Cuban cigars in our bikini tops - only to find out we were in international waters and it didn't count! I make a terrible criminal!! - HAHA!!).
I thought some of you might want to see this scar tissue I am always talking about. There is no denying that it is there!!
So, 15 minutes later the tech comes in and a few doctors are trailing after her. My first thought was I must have this GIGANTIC tumor and they needed to come make sure before they gave me the grim news but right off the bat the doctor BLURTS, "we think they left a metal clip in your throat during surgery, I need to look at it". Of course I made some lame joke and he looked at me like I was insane (I don't understand why people think I am crazy for not getting upset all the time). :-)
He poked and prodded for a while and then the tech grabbed the wand and pushed my jugular to the side and said, "see, when you push and move the jugular it is right behind it". The main doctor (the others never said anything or looked me in the eyes) came to the foot of my bed and said (very sternly), "I am going to go make a report and send it to your doctor". All I could say was, "ok, thank you very much".
I laughed pretty much the rest of the day and night. What else can I really do? I am just so thankful it isn't a pair of scissors or a scalpel! Can you imagine that? Good golly! I just crack up at the thought that I am one of those people you see on the Discovery Chanel about surgeries gone bad - haha!
So, one of the doctors I work with pulled my report up this morning and sure enough it stated there is a metal object in there. There were some other very perplexing things that are new but until I talk to my "real" doctor I am not going to get into that yet. The x-ray stated I had pneumonia (I have been feeling funky but not congested) so I am MILKING it tonight (I think back rubs cure pneumonia right???). :-)
Seriously... I cannot stop laughing and I feel great so don't even worry one little bit. It actually explains a few things so I am relieved to know what is going on in there.
I am going to call my doctor tomorrow and see if I should be concerned at all. I shall update ya'll as soon as I know what we are going to do about my "alien implant".
ALSO... I am going to talk to our grants and contracts department this week because I have decided to start up a charity for thyroid cancer research (send me any name ideas). I work right down the hall from the endocrinology research department and I will talk to the chairman as well. Stay tuned! That means I get to do another fun website and finally have my non-profit! Of course I thought it would be for orphans and refugees (speaking of which Jacob is getting back from Sudan and day now) but this too is close to my heart.
Ok... I just had some caffeine so I could go on and on but I have to go "play sick"! HAHA!
(she threw a nice little curve ball today)
Thursday, January 15, 2009

The last couple of days I have experienced a couple of sharp pains in my wonderful parotid gland but they left as fast as they came (happened when I took my meds with juice). Well... today I ate a breakfast bar and wouldn't ya know it.... MY GLAND POPPED OUT! Just like before.
This just means that it is time for SOUR candies and maybe the steroids again. I am not even going to call the doctor until it starts happening every time I eat. I do NOT want him to do the procedure again unless I am desperate!!!
So, since I am getting the "radiation" pill (low dose for the scan) and that is what the docs feel caused this then I am a bit concerned. It really is painful and I feel so bad if any of you ever experience this!!!!
That is it.....
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

That is what the machine looks like, I just lay there for about 25 minutes and typically fall asleep.
Although I really enjoyed my month "off" in December I haven't enjoyed the delay in hearing YOU ARE CURED! :-) Coming soon I am sure!
I want that SURVIVOR T-SHIRT! We all have goals! :-)
Monday, January 12, 2009
QUICK UPDATE - Good news!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

- I went to my endo doctor at 8am and first was seen by the resident, they always just go over every little thing I have been through....
- The doctor came in and went over it again and then did a thorough exam (again, always wear your best ladies!!) of all the lymph nodes and my throat and she also said she could feel the scar tissue in my throat that has been giving me some issues here and there (feels like someone is pressing on my throat about 50% of my day).
- I had some blood test to check all my levels