Thursday, May 8, 2008

Yes, Another Good Day!

Well my phone rings again.... I dropped it this morning and that seemed to fix it! :)

I had the Leal family visit me today! It was Brenna's first visit to Auntie's house! They brought me Chipotle and we had a great time as usual just chatting (and eating my yummy MOMO cookies)! :-)

My hands have tingled quite a bit today and my energy wasn't great but I still feel pretty good! I have my blood work tomorrow which will show my calcium level so hopefully it is staying up there! I figure there is no need to rush off to the ER since I am going to get my tests tomorrow. If I have trouble breathing I AM SO THERE! :-)

I had some great phone calls today, that is another wonderful thing that has happened during this. I have reconnected with some family and good friends. You know how your life just doesn't stop and you sometimes let too much time go between phone calls...... think about who you can call and brighten their day! :-)

I am looking forward to going into my tests tomorrow, I get to stop by work and see Dr. Zhang who always makes me laugh!

WEIGHT: 143lbs (holding steady)
MOOD: GREAT!! Loved seeing the Leals and had some great talks!!
ENERGY: 7 for most of the day until I had to chase the dogs!! :-)

I have also noticed that my appetite is starting to diminish each day. It takes a lot of energy to eat and afterwards I get REALLY tired, maybe it is just a psychological thing??? Don't worry though, I am held accountable each night when Gene gets home and he critiques my food intake so I eat well so I don't get in trouble! :-)



Anonymous said...

As I started my day, you were on my mind... I was feeling pretty poopy this morning, but thoughts of you and what you have been through made my stint with pneumonia seem like small potatoes, I popped out of bed and with a smile on my face went about having a productive day(with an occasional rest) you inspire me... love, mom

Anonymous said...

GREAT picture of you and Sandy! Good luck at the doctor's tomorrow morning. Praying the test shows you are ready for radiation---let's get this stuff behind you so you can get well.

What a great three days you have had with my little girl and my little grandbaby!!! Don't you just love not working!!?!!??

Sweet dreams tonight. Talk to you soon.

Your Mama G

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see you soon. I wish I was not working so that I could hang out with you and Ginger. I love reading your blog, and seeing your great photographs. I think that I need to either get a new camera or get user training, or both!!
