Well, after I posted my blog last night I started feeling very strange. My entire body started tingling and I felt a slight motion sickness feeling. I was half way through cooking dinner and I had to stop everything and lay down on the couch, didn't get up after that.
This morning I got up for my doctor's appt and for the blood work and I just couldn't do it. I had to cancel my appt. The good thing is there are 3 labs here in Sugar Land so I was able to do the important part. The doctor's appt was just a follow up to ensure the "scratch" in my throat is healing so it wasn't crucial.
About 11am I started feeling MUCH better. It is a struggle but the biggest battle is not physical, it is mental. It is so easy to get frustrated when your body starts to fail when you are trying so hard to fight it and there isn't much you can do.
I went to the lab which I haven't been to that one in about 2 years and the girl remembered me! Then this sweet 8 year old little girl came up to me and had her hand around her throat and asked me what happened to mine (I didn't wear a scarf today). I told her I had throat surgery and she gasped REAL loud and said, "they took your throat out and then put it back in". It was so adorable. I had to explain everything to her and she sat with me the whole time asking me questions. It really made my day.
Here is one interesting thing I forgot to tell you. Remember I was having that severe pain in my right jaw for about 2 weeks before surgery (couldn't hardly chew or open my mouth)? Well when I woke up from surgery it was GONE! My doctor the other day wasn't quite sure what that was all about but thought maybe there was a tumor pressing on a nerve and now it has either been removed or shifted relieving that pain. I am so happy that is gone!
I wanted to share with you what my bro-in-law Mike wrote to me last night. He is the one running the Chicago Marathon as a charity runner for the American Cancer Society (I STILL have a hard time believing I have cancer - it is hard to type that word even a month later!!!!):
Sis……………race day will be a celebration of Madge's remission and the completion of training . I am thinking that Madge's eradication is like training for an ultra marathon. It is all in planning and execution. Race day is more like a reflection of what has been already been endured and what you are capable of achieving. See you at the finish line! M
That is so inspirational and it just proves once again that I have the
BEST family and friends!!!
WEIGHT: 143lbs - still holding steady
APPETITE: VERY POOR - I probably wouldn't eat if I wasn't held accountable each night
MOOD: Had a hard time earlier this am but great by the afternoon
ENERGY: 3 in the AM - 7 after 2:00pm
Madge might have given me a good punch today but I am still winning this round! :-)
Dear One - how you are handling your highs and lows are a tribute to the woman you are - with your faith in His healing touch and your drive to kick that ugly Madge out of your life& putting out a sign saying, "I'm the winner!" We all are marching behind you.
Your bro-in-law is quite an inspiration and I bow down to him for his compassion. Granddaughter Lauren runs in marathons in Chicago & is very dedicated. Thank you for your updates on your Blog with your determination to ultimately see that rainbow in the sky. Love you - Grammy
My dear Brandy,
Madge may have thrown a punch, but the way I interpret things, YOU have FAVOR all around you! Yes, i'm keeping an eye on you. Love ya lots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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