Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Scan Results

I apologize for keeping ya'll in suspense.... I have had a very active weekend! :-) Including having company, going to the Hill Country for some homemade pies, and going to Mike's grave since I couldn't go on the anniversary.

I went and had the scan on Friday and it was very interesting. I laid on a table for an hour and it was just this box that went about 1 inch every 30 seconds and scanned my entire body. They put markers on my chin and chest and really concentrated on those areas a couple of more times as well.

After the test was over the tech came in and stated that the doctor was concerned about the high dose of radiation that he saw in my upper bowel/lower lung area. So they want me to go back on Tuesday at 9am for another scan. There are 2 different reasons this could happen:

1. The radiation accumulated in this area and it just is taking it's time moving out (therefore I still have to drink massive liquids so I am urinating every 30 minutes or so - I am going to swim away!!).

2. The cancer has metastasised to this area. I REALLY don't feel this is the case and I am sure the new scan on Tuesday it will prove this! :-) But it does explain to me why I was doubled over with cramping in that area for 3 days and still get it about 3 times a day.

The good thing is the strongest 2 points of the radiation that showed on the scan were the thyroid and the lymph node area. The tech went over all of it for me and showed me my "glowing body parts". It was fascinating!

Since they stated that I still have a very high dose of radiation we feel it is best to still avoid to much contact with anyone, especially Ginger and Brenna since they are the highest risk factors (nursing mothers & babies). It has been VERY hard not to see my BEST friend and my darling little pumkin!

I started my thyroid medication and I honestly didn't realize just how bad I really felt until I started the meds. I feel really good! I have a lot more energy and I really haven't had any of those bouts of lethargy. I was terribly tired today but I think that is more of a mental thing knowing this is almost over! :-)

I hope you are all having a WONDERFUL Memorial Day Weekend!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, you are having a really fun weekend! Did you go back to the same little homemade pie store we went to when we vacationed at the Ranch??

So.....back for another scan you go, huh? Aww, it's just a little hurdle. I'm glad to hear your meds are boosting your energy level up a notch. That has got to make you feel better!

We ARE having a wonderful Memorial Day weekend, but it would be 100 times better if you could join the family tomorrow evening. =( Sob.

With consistent and fervent prayer for you, I am your.........

Mama G.

Anonymous said...

Hey my sweet Brandy - what a scan you endured and came out smiling, as always. I'm so relieved as it appears the radiation is doing its job in its own way. Love that MOMO sign your family made - just glitters with so much love. And glad to know your meds are working so now you can regain your energy and be the shaker and the mover that you are - hurrah for Brandy!
My love to you and Gene on this Memorial day of tribute for our troops & fallen heroes. Grammy