Thursday, May 15, 2008

The RULES for Tomorrow!

Dr. Beasley called me who is going to administer the radiation tomorrow and here are the details of what he told me and the "rules" I have to follow, if I cannot comply (which I told him I could) then they would keep me in the hospital for 3 days. Instead I get to go home and stay "quarantined" in my master bedroom/bathroom.
  1. The radioactive iodine that they are going to give me is specifically for thyroid cancer and it will go directly to the thyroid tissue to destroy the active cancer cells and then be absorbed into the bloodstream

  2. I can go home 1 hour later

  3. I cannot be around pregnant/nursing mothers for 7 days (BOO HOO - we had to say our "goodbyes today"!!!)

  4. The radiation itself won't make me feel that bad - it is still just not being on the thyroid medication that has had me feeling these "bouts" that I get

  5. What ever is NOT absorbed into my bloodstream will pass through my body through mainly my urine, sweat, and then my saliva. After I use the restroom I am instructed to flush the toilet several times and I must wash my hands several times for several days.

  6. He used the analogy that I will be like a fireplace, the closer people get the "hotter" the radiation and therefore they don't want any living thing within 6ft from me for an extended period of time (he said the ride home will be fine)

  7. I am NOT to get pregnant for the next year due to the radiation staying in my body for a while and since it is quite possible (those are his words) that I will need further radiation and it would destroy the thyroid of the baby. Therefore I must stay on birth control for the next year.

  8. I am not supposed to be eating any items with iodine (which is nearly impossible!!!!) since the radiation iodine will go directly to what is in my body and THEN go to the cancer cells. Now, my endocrinologist told me I didn't really have to be on a iodine diet but to just take my supplements with no iodine. SO..... I hope that little issue doesn't mean my chances of getting rid of Madge on the FIRST shot have diminished. I am still very positive it will work - so far everything has gone PERFECT!! :-)
I think that is about it! Isn't it GREAT that tomorrow is most likely the DEATH to Madge!!!?? WOW!!!!!

After the treatment tomorrow I will come home and be watching TV, on my laptop, cleaning my closet.....etc. Feel free to text me or call.


WED I start the medication for the rest of my life (I know... so dramatic - haha!)

FRI I will get scanned to see if MADGE has been killed!

I could NOT have made it this far with out all of your support, faith, and prayers!! There have been several times when I just wanted to give in and lay in bed all day but knowing what great support I have made me get up and FIGHT!


1 comment:

Christine said...


You are my Hero! You face this life challenge with grace, dignity and of course Faith in the Lord. You are in our thoughts daily & I am so sorry it took Madge to do that! We love you :-)
