Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I had my second scan this morning and the doctor said he saw NO evidence of the cancer metastasising!!! All that radiation that they saw this past Friday is GONE!!! He was very excited and just kept saying, "excellent!!". He also stated that I am 100% safe to be around and I drilled him about Ginger and Brenna and he said with out a doubt it is MORE that 100% safe. I did tell Ginger that I will be coming over ASAP but just to make sure (I take no chances with my little pumkin) that I will still stay 3ft away for a little while longer! :-)

I am still feeling great on the thyroid medication. Tomorrow I start a WHOLE pill, I will try it but if I turn into the "tazmanian devil" then I will just stay on 1/2 pill until I can talk to my doctor (she went out of town).

My doctor said she would be calling me mid-June to go over how I am feeling on the medication and to discuss the next steps. The nuclear medicine doctor said they will do another scan down the road but they will give me a super low dose of radiation and do a scan just to check to see if the cancer is completely gone or if it has come back. I will find out from my doctor when I will get that scan.

I go back to work on MONDAY!!!!! I must enjoy these last few days since now I have energy to! :-) I miss my wonderful friends at work and I am looking forward to chatting with them on a daily basis again.

We went to Mike's grave on Saturday and we sat there for quite some time. I just kept looking at his name on his marker and hearing, "BrandyGirl!!". It just amazed me that here was a healthy 33 year old firefighter with a wife and child who died from an MRSA infection and here I am with cancer and I am going to be perfectly fine! God has a plan for each of us and I am looking forward to getting back to my life HEALTHIER AND STRONGER, I know HE is not ready for me quite yet and I must make the most of what HE has given me!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh happy day dear Brandy - good news that now you are on the road to recovery & no sign of cancer - the circle of prayers have certainly been answered. And yes, God has a plan for you as you well know. I can imagine your feelings in visiting Mike's grave & my heart went out to you in reading your words and feelings. Know that you are with me every day. I know you & Ginger are looking forward to your girlie time together.
Love you - Grammy

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jesus! I am so extremely happy. You had me alittle worried with your last blog.

I feel like jumping up and down with joy...but I'm here at work-they may think I've gone crazy.

Much love,