Monday, May 5, 2008

Full Day Today!

Today was definitely a full day! I had 3 doctors appts in the building I work in so I started the day at 9am visiting my coworkers, it was fun to laugh and catch up (a lot has happened in just 2 weeks being away from work!!!).

Here are the "highlights" of each appointment:


  • She said she had never seen a patient look or feel so good as I do after this surgery, she said she was very surprised and I should be some case study

  • She said they did see something on my trachea as well but the radiation should kill it too

  • I asked her about the tickle/burn in my throat that has been keeping me up at night coughing and she said she thinks it is a scratch from the tube they inserted in my throat during surgery and for me to keep using the Cepacol and it will eventually go away



  • She also said she has never seen a patient look/feel this good after this surgery

  • I also explained to her about the tickle/burn in my throat and she gave me some pills to help with the cough that she said will definitely allow me to GET SOME SLEEP!

  • She also wants to see me again on Friday to check up on me

  • She told me that I made it through the hardest part with flying colors, that is hearing the news, telling everyone, accepting it, and the surgery. She said the rest should be a piece of cake for me since she has never seen a patient with a more positive attitude!!!
  • She ALSO said she is very surprised to see me feeling so well however, she gave me the pleasant news that at about the 4 week mark I should be feeling pretty darn crappy! She said it will be a gradual process that I will just start feeling worse and worse.
  • I will have blood work on Friday to see if my body is ready for the radiation
  • She will call me by Wed to let me know
  • She will either have me get more blood work or give me the date (either the week of 5/19 or 5/27)
  • The week of radiation there will be several tests afterwards
  • She did say since we do not have small children and she thinks I can comply with all the "rules" then I will most likely get to go home and not stay in the hospital :-)
  • I asked her about returning to work after the radiation and she said since she is withholding the thyroid medication for so long it will probably take me quite a while to feel up to working, not until my medication starts to work and she won't start me on that until a week or two after the radiation.

I must admit, to hear my radiation might be a week later and that I should expect to feel a lot worse over the next couple of months got me down a bit.
BUT...... they were all shocked to see me doing this great today! SO THAT JUST MEANS I CAN KEEP SHOCKING THEM!!! :-) I am going to fight this tooth and nail darn it! I am NOT going to slip into the mindset of thinking I am going to feel so "bad" otherwise I will allow it to happen!


I am still laughing (mostly at myself) and I am in good spirits (no more crying!!!!!).

Tomorrow I am going to have a "movie date" with my bestest friend Ginger (aka Sneaky/Sneaksters) and the ever so adorable Brenna (I love typing that!!!). I cannot wait! Of course we are going to watch our favorite movie Somewhere In Time so we can use up a WHOLE box of Kleenex! :-)

Thank you all for being so understanding and supportive!



Anonymous said...

You GO, Bran, and keep on shocking those doctor's socks off!!! Did you inform them that "feel bad" is not something you know how to do? I'm so jealous....wish I could join you and Gingerbread and Little Gingerbread to cry through "Somewhere in Time" tomorrow. I'll think of you three while SLAVING away at my desk.

By the way, J.P. said he had my J and K heart necklace crafted at what I think is named "The Jewelry Exchange" next to Burlington Coat Factory at Sharpstown Mall. Great prices but not a safe area at all. You might want to price shop and choose a jeweler in a nicer section of town.

Glad you made it though your whirlwind of a day. Take that medicine that will help you sleep tonight and try not to laugh too hard with Ginger (before or after the movie, of course)!!!

Love you a bunch---a BIG bunch,

Mama G

Anonymous said...

Smiley Brandy - you astound me with your vitality during this trying time and your taking Madge by the collar & yanking her into the ring of no return..well sweetie you are the winner & your fan club is rooting for you. I am so impressed with you and I know you have a big hill to climb..the summit is waiting for you with flying colors. Prayers and thoughts are with you daily, so go girl! My love - Grammy

Anonymous said...

Good morning Brandy girl~ I am dazed and amazed at your drive and compassion, I am so very proud of you... application can often be difficult for some, but you my princess have proven to everyone that it can be done. Your spirit,faith and love will conquer even the largest obstacles, which in reality are only bumps in the road. God has a plan for all and I believe his plan for you is to remind us all what it is to trust and believe. You are an amazing human being and I am so honored to have you in my life.. I love you, mom