Sunday, November 2, 2008


Is that not the cutest little pink monster you have ever seen???

My dear friends and family....... you all know how I love to throw a party and love to play hostess?? Well... apparently MADGE (aka my cancer) has decided that I am just too good of a hostess and she doesn't want to leave! I cannot say that I blame her, for the most part I have not complained too much about her stay here and I have found that she has actually been very useful for those around me. However, as much as I hate to be mean it is time once and for all that I give Madge her eviction notice!!!!

My doctor called me Friday morning (Halloween) as I was getting started with my day and preparing to see 25 patients. She said that one of the recent tests (thyroid globulin) showed that I was still producing a significant amount of protein from my THYROID. Yes, she went on to explain that they probably took out about 90% of my thyroid and there was still tissue in there and that is not a good thing. This means the cancer causing tissue is still there and then she went on to explain that the 2 "suspicious lymph nodes" were probably a result from this left over tissue (the cancer is still there growing).

So, here is the latest plan (just got to keep you guys on your toes):

1. I will go to the OTO doc this week to see if they want to take out the saliva glands. Since it was the radiation that caused this problem then I need to talk to him about the next dose of radiation and what I can do to prevent this happening again with my glands (if they don't take them out).

2. I will see my ENDO doc the first week of January to do an "uptake" test which is a small amount of radiation and then do a FULL body scan to see if the cancer has spread. To do this I will have to stop my thyroid medication for I think 5 weeks prior. So, that means I might get very lethargic and not feel so well for a while. A necessary evil I guess.

3. She said she thinks at this point since the test showed such a significant amount of protein secretion then she is pretty sure I will have another surgery on my neck to scrape out the rest of the tissue and what has grown. Then another dose of radiation. Basically just a repeat of what I have already done.

After I hung up with her I did burst into tears. I am just ready to get on with my life and not talk about it any more. But then I realized that so many wonderful things happened over the last 6 months because of this that I just might be in store for some more wonderful and positive things so after feeling sorry for myself for about 20 minutes I held my head up and am focused on the positive!!!!!

I have felt SO great this entire past week and so I am ready to keep fighting and not give up. Now, over the past month with that saliva gland infection I was so sick and I did ask the Lord to take me home a few times. I know he healed me and got me back up to par so I could take on this next round.

I am a little disappointed that I cannot say I beat cancer in 2 months like I really wanted to but hey.... at least I KNOW I am going to beat it! :-)

I am still going to survive and carry on! The only thing is that we do not want this to have spread to the lungs or bones. So, when I have that body scan in January we want a CLEAR AND CLEAN scan! NO GLOWING areas (it is the same two I had before)!!!!

Everything is still going to turn out great, just going to take a little longer! The other thing that I am a bit sad about is that if I do have to have another surgery then I cannot be deemed "cancer free" until a year after that date. Again, at least I will have beat it!!! :-)

You all know that I am too soft hearted and do not like confrontation. Well, I feel really bad but I am just going to have to start getting really mean and pack Madge's bags for her!!! HAHA!!

I cannot even begin to express how much your love and support has gotten me through all of this and it feels so good to know that I have the best people lifting me up every single day.

I love you all!


I leave you with the PERFECT bible verse from today's sermon (yes... it was intended just for me today!!)

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. ~ II Cor 4:16-18

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