Sunday, November 9, 2008

Had 2nd Opinon - TIME FOR A 3RD!!

I went to the doctor on Friday who is treating my saliva gland issues. When I showed him pictures of how my glands swell up (I knew they would decide not to cooperate and pop out before my appointment regardless of all the sour candy I crammed in my mouth) he was quite surprised since he had only seen one of the glands swollen and not both. I was explaining to him how my endocrinologist was a bit worried that since she stated I will have to have radiation again that this will further damage the saliva glands and cause me more pain in the future.

He asked why I needed more surgery and radiation. I told him that the last blood test showed that my thyroid was apparently still very active and she said there was probably about 10% of the tissue still there and I have 2 new "suspicious" nodules. He grabbed my shoulders and looked me square in the eyes and said, "you do know I am a thyroid cancer specialist right?". I SAID NO!!!! I had NO idea!! He took me to his office and showed me all of the diplomas and certifications for thyroid specialist and neck surgery, etc..... Then he showed me two papers he just wrote that are about to be published in medical journals on.... HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY OPERATE ON THYROID CANCER!!! I just knew the Lord had me right there for a reason! HELLO!!!!

So, we sat down again and he had me explain in GREAT detail every test, procedure, result, etc..... He placed his head in his hands and just shook his head. Then he looked at me and said, "I am so sorry but this is pretty bad, they really mistreated you and it has now caused you to face some very difficult treatment and I am so sorry but this is what I do and I know what I am talking about".

He then went on to explain what they did wrong:

1. They did not take out all lymph nodes and nodules (he said they just "cherry picked")

2. They did not give me a certain shot after surgery so I would not go into hyperthyroidism

3. They gave me my radiation 3 1/2 weeks after surgery and did not wait the MINIMUM of 6 weeks

4. They did not test me for a certain cell that 21% of people have with my specific cancer that does not allow for the uptake of the radioactive iodine.

Here is what he states he would do for me at this point:

1. First get the uptake scan to ensure the cancer has not metastasized into my lungs or bones since it has now had time in my body to run around and have fun

2. Then the surgery he states is now necessary is to make an incision from one side of my neck to the other (yes... half my head) and peel back my entire neck to take out every lymph node and every nodule.

He said that I could have these surgeries multiple times if I have that certain cell (sorry... I was so surprised I didn't write it down).

He did reassure me that my life expectancy has not changed - ya'll aren't getting rid of me that easy! HAHA!! This of course is if it hasn't spread further than the lymph nodes.

So, this was a lot to take in on Friday. I couldn't even text or call anyone about it. I finally allowed myself to think about it and after laying in bed for an hour and then getting the encouragement I needed from a dear friend I told my sisters. Of course this is a lot to take in at this point since like myself I am sure you probably thought this would ALL be over soon!

I am so sorry, you are just going to have to keep reading this darn blog! :-) There are just 2 things that are bothering me about all of this.

1. I gave my notice on Friday morning at my job to start a new one on 12/1 and I heard all of this that very afternoon! How ironic huh???

2. Of course you all know by now that I want this over but you also know I can handle it, what I cannot handle is knowing I am the cause of sadness for those I love.


The good thing is I know now what made me so sick the first time and so this next time I will be ready!!

One other great thing to report.... I HAVE FELT GREAT FOR 13 STRAIGHT DAYS!!!! I can handle the saliva stone pain!! Not a single side effect! I am on steroids now (yes... I started working out again the other day, might as well take advantage- HAHA!!). Also my face is so broken out I am taking medication to control it (we are not talking about a few blemishes here and there, it is a full on mountain range!!!). I must confess, I swear I haven't really thought of myself as a vain person (ya'll know I love camping and my dream is to work in a refugee camp - that is not glamorous!!!) but this face issue made me realize how I took my clear face for granted!!!!!

I learned that I also took feeling good for granted! 13 great days in a row.... it is like a slice of Heaven each day that I wake up and don't have to lay in bed for 20 minutes trying to stop the room from spinning, stop myself from running to the toilet to puke, or keep myself from passing out! A GREAT 13 DAYS!!!!

Love your health!


1. Tomorrow I will call Dr. Maillard's office to set up our "meeting" to get his full plan (he was not prepared to discuss my cancer so he wants to set a time aside this week to explain everything. I will write stuff down to report back.

2. I am supposed to call the Endo doc's office to set up the next phase of treatment for early Jan, I will still do this just in case.

3. One of my docs is going to start the process for me to get into MD Anderson. This is a highly specialized cancer hospital with the best experts, I just really didn't think I would need it.

I know, big update today! Trust me, it took all weekend to sink in.

I feel there are some very big changes coming up for my life. Just know that I am at peace with it all, again, I have accomplished that one thing in life I wanted to do so everything from this point on is the sprinkle on top! :-) I jsut wanted that darn SURVIVOR shirt sooner! HAHA!!!

Please feel free to e-mail me any questions @


GO MOMO!!!!!!!!!!

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