Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Dr. Zhang came to yesterday morning and stated he had a very long talk with Dr. Maillard (the one who wants to scrape out my entire neck) and he actually said that what he explained made complete sense. So, a couple of hours later Dr. Maillard called me to his office (luckily it is just a few floors up from me).

This is what he said:

1. He stated that the best course of action is to FIRST do the uptake scan of the entire body to see if the cancer has metastasized - this was already planned to take place in January.

2. If my scan "glows" and shows any cancer then he thinks we should first nuke it again with radiation and then do another uptake scan 6 weeks after that to ensure it has been "killed". If it was not killed then I need surgery and radiation again. I am sure it will glow since it did before. He said nuking it is much easier on me and worth trying first to save me from surgery if it works.

3. If the scan does NOT glow then he said they will have to go in surgically to find it because sometimes with this particular type of cancer the tumors do not intake the radiation(remember that 21%). He said they are sure the cancer is there so we actually WANT the scan to glow to guide them to exactly where it is.

4. He wanted to make sure that before my uptake scan the doctor does NOT take me off my thyroid medication for 5 weeks like I was told would happen. He said these days there is a new technique where they give you a certain hormone and therefore you don't have to suffer - I WILL TAKE IT!! That was my biggest fear was after taking 5 months to get the medication regulated only to have to get off and start over. I did not want to feel that way again and he said there is NO reason to do that! YEAH! That just made me over the moon happy!!!!

He warned that surgery is the last resort because my complication risks are very high since I have already had surgery, they include partial or complete vocal cord damage and/or damaging the para-thyroids which will cause a calcium issues which are very dangerous.

I mentioned to him that I have been having an increasingly difficult time swallowing and my voice is also having some issues. He said that made complete sense after looking at my CT and then he showed me the CT and explained everything in great detail. This is what he said:

1. My esophagus was shifted over about 3/4" to my right due to the surgery and there is scar tissue pressing into it causing the swallowing issues. The good news is my trachea is completely open and not affected. We just have to hope that the scar tissue doesn't keep growing and then have to have it taken out.

2. He pointed out a "very large" area of concern, it is to the left of the trachea which he states is either a very large tumor or a large growth of scar tissue. To me it just looked like a big blob! Since my ultrasound in July showed a "suspicious" lymph node in the area he pretty much thinks it is a tumor but he said we will know for sure when I have that uptake scan because it should "glow".

3. He also pointed out the residual thyroid tissue. He explained that when they "clipped" the thyroid off they basically left the "stem". He said it usually is "killed" be the radiation and does not work but of course you know my body has never given me the easy route! :-)

So, at this point I can just sit back and relax and enjoy NO DOCTORS APPOINTMENTS until 12/30 & 1/8/09. Those are the next 2 and we will know the specific plan after the 1/8/09 appt.

I am not sure at this point if I will go to the doctor at Methodist since these 2 doctors seem to be on the same page now and it seems pretty clear cut to me. I just have to make sure to get that hormone from my endo, she might have a different mindset.

So at this point I am all for going through the radiation again FIRST to try to kill it and avoid another surgery which will be more risky. Not that the risks are really that bad (I am sure certain people would mind me losing my voice permanently - HAHA!!) but looks like we could get Madge with just some more radiation - YEAH!!!

The radiation was not difficult except all the contamination rules and the cramping and saliva gland issues. That is SMALL beans my friends!

I just feel rejuvenated and excited. I woke up full of energy and life! Just to know that it could be an easier journey and that I don't have to think about it until JANUARY! I am looking forward to taking a break from all the appointments and daily changes in the plan! :-) I am going to do my best to ignore Madge and just maybe she will get pissed off and want to leave this next time! :-)


** I just want to thank you again for always giving me such encouraging words of support and I feel like such a "sham" sometimes because people always tell me how positive and inspiring I am but most people don't get to see me crying in the shower, having days where I just ask God to take me home, etc..... I GET ALL MY STRENGTH FROM GOD AND MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY who are always there for me! You guys keep me going and because I know He is using me it gets me out of bed every day!



* Acne is really clearing up now! So HAPPY!

* I had 5 periods in 8 weeks - hormones are a b*itch!! So was I - HAHA!!!

* The dizziness is back just when I stand up but I think that was due to me accidentally missing a dose or 2 of my medication and then adding the steroids and massive antibiotics, my body just probably needs time to adjust (sounds good)

* Hair is extremely brittle - this is from the thyroid med

* Weight is still holding steady at 142lbs

* I have to eat a snack around 9-10am or I get really nauseous (I am sure from the morning meds)

OK, you are ALL caught up on the latest! This was a LONG one so it should hold you over until my next update which I HOPE is not until JANUARY! :-)


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

TWO Updates Today!

Just wanted to tell you that I went to the dermatologist and he said that due to the "extent" of the hormonal acne that he is first going to put me on a long term antibiotic (every day for 2 months to start with) since I had a good result with my current antibiotics. However, he changed it to the same thing I was on last month (Doxycycline) that made my esophagus inflame. That is ok though, I just know I need to take it way before bed time so it doesn't sit in my throat and irritate it. He said that should work but since I am going through so much then if it doesn't he will put me on Accutane.. that is some GREAT stuff, cures acne PERMANENTLY!!! We will see.....

He also gave me a topical cream that costs $60 WITH insurance! Better work! HAHA!!

I had a GREAT day, I feel good and since my face cleared up quite a bit I felt normal again!

This is a VERY active week for me since it is my LAST week with neurosurgery. Lots of fun parties, etc.... I am still very sad to leave my wonderful doctor but I know we will still be there for each other!!

Hopefully I can tell you tomorrow when my appointment is with Dr. Robbins! YEA!!

I am actually going to go WORK OUT!! Yes.... I feel THAT great!

Just wanted to give you a quick update!

1. Dr. Richard Robbins (National Comprehensive Cancer Network Panel Member on Thyroid Cancer– went to Yale and Cornell) has agreed to see me after a couple of phone conversations with Dr. Zhang who I work for. Dr. Zhang was told he is the best Thyroid Cancer specialist in Houston and so we will give him a go. I called the liaison back to schedule the appt and am now just waiting for their return call.

2. Over the past 3 or 4 days it is getting increasingly more difficult to swallow. I have a call into my endo doctor, they will probably do an ultrasound – since the last one they only scanned my salivary glands.

3. I have an appointment today with the dermatologist, but I woke up today and my face is 70% better! WHEW!! I guess 8 antibiotics a day does the trick!! :-)

4. I felt kind of icky for a couple of days but I had accidentally forgotten to take my medication. I feel great today and am FULL of energy! I think just the fact that my face is clearing up is lifting my spirits!!

Ok, I just wanted to share the news about getting approved to see Dr. Robbins (he only takes doctor to doctor referrals so Dr. Zhang came through for me!!).

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Had 2nd Opinon - TIME FOR A 3RD!!

I went to the doctor on Friday who is treating my saliva gland issues. When I showed him pictures of how my glands swell up (I knew they would decide not to cooperate and pop out before my appointment regardless of all the sour candy I crammed in my mouth) he was quite surprised since he had only seen one of the glands swollen and not both. I was explaining to him how my endocrinologist was a bit worried that since she stated I will have to have radiation again that this will further damage the saliva glands and cause me more pain in the future.

He asked why I needed more surgery and radiation. I told him that the last blood test showed that my thyroid was apparently still very active and she said there was probably about 10% of the tissue still there and I have 2 new "suspicious" nodules. He grabbed my shoulders and looked me square in the eyes and said, "you do know I am a thyroid cancer specialist right?". I SAID NO!!!! I had NO idea!! He took me to his office and showed me all of the diplomas and certifications for thyroid specialist and neck surgery, etc..... Then he showed me two papers he just wrote that are about to be published in medical journals on.... HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY OPERATE ON THYROID CANCER!!! I just knew the Lord had me right there for a reason! HELLO!!!!

So, we sat down again and he had me explain in GREAT detail every test, procedure, result, etc..... He placed his head in his hands and just shook his head. Then he looked at me and said, "I am so sorry but this is pretty bad, they really mistreated you and it has now caused you to face some very difficult treatment and I am so sorry but this is what I do and I know what I am talking about".

He then went on to explain what they did wrong:

1. They did not take out all lymph nodes and nodules (he said they just "cherry picked")

2. They did not give me a certain shot after surgery so I would not go into hyperthyroidism

3. They gave me my radiation 3 1/2 weeks after surgery and did not wait the MINIMUM of 6 weeks

4. They did not test me for a certain cell that 21% of people have with my specific cancer that does not allow for the uptake of the radioactive iodine.

Here is what he states he would do for me at this point:

1. First get the uptake scan to ensure the cancer has not metastasized into my lungs or bones since it has now had time in my body to run around and have fun

2. Then the surgery he states is now necessary is to make an incision from one side of my neck to the other (yes... half my head) and peel back my entire neck to take out every lymph node and every nodule.

He said that I could have these surgeries multiple times if I have that certain cell (sorry... I was so surprised I didn't write it down).

He did reassure me that my life expectancy has not changed - ya'll aren't getting rid of me that easy! HAHA!! This of course is if it hasn't spread further than the lymph nodes.

So, this was a lot to take in on Friday. I couldn't even text or call anyone about it. I finally allowed myself to think about it and after laying in bed for an hour and then getting the encouragement I needed from a dear friend I told my sisters. Of course this is a lot to take in at this point since like myself I am sure you probably thought this would ALL be over soon!

I am so sorry, you are just going to have to keep reading this darn blog! :-) There are just 2 things that are bothering me about all of this.

1. I gave my notice on Friday morning at my job to start a new one on 12/1 and I heard all of this that very afternoon! How ironic huh???

2. Of course you all know by now that I want this over but you also know I can handle it, what I cannot handle is knowing I am the cause of sadness for those I love.


The good thing is I know now what made me so sick the first time and so this next time I will be ready!!

One other great thing to report.... I HAVE FELT GREAT FOR 13 STRAIGHT DAYS!!!! I can handle the saliva stone pain!! Not a single side effect! I am on steroids now (yes... I started working out again the other day, might as well take advantage- HAHA!!). Also my face is so broken out I am taking medication to control it (we are not talking about a few blemishes here and there, it is a full on mountain range!!!). I must confess, I swear I haven't really thought of myself as a vain person (ya'll know I love camping and my dream is to work in a refugee camp - that is not glamorous!!!) but this face issue made me realize how I took my clear face for granted!!!!!

I learned that I also took feeling good for granted! 13 great days in a row.... it is like a slice of Heaven each day that I wake up and don't have to lay in bed for 20 minutes trying to stop the room from spinning, stop myself from running to the toilet to puke, or keep myself from passing out! A GREAT 13 DAYS!!!!

Love your health!


1. Tomorrow I will call Dr. Maillard's office to set up our "meeting" to get his full plan (he was not prepared to discuss my cancer so he wants to set a time aside this week to explain everything. I will write stuff down to report back.

2. I am supposed to call the Endo doc's office to set up the next phase of treatment for early Jan, I will still do this just in case.

3. One of my docs is going to start the process for me to get into MD Anderson. This is a highly specialized cancer hospital with the best experts, I just really didn't think I would need it.

I know, big update today! Trust me, it took all weekend to sink in.

I feel there are some very big changes coming up for my life. Just know that I am at peace with it all, again, I have accomplished that one thing in life I wanted to do so everything from this point on is the sprinkle on top! :-) I jsut wanted that darn SURVIVOR shirt sooner! HAHA!!!

Please feel free to e-mail me any questions @


GO MOMO!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Is that not the cutest little pink monster you have ever seen???

My dear friends and family....... you all know how I love to throw a party and love to play hostess?? Well... apparently MADGE (aka my cancer) has decided that I am just too good of a hostess and she doesn't want to leave! I cannot say that I blame her, for the most part I have not complained too much about her stay here and I have found that she has actually been very useful for those around me. However, as much as I hate to be mean it is time once and for all that I give Madge her eviction notice!!!!

My doctor called me Friday morning (Halloween) as I was getting started with my day and preparing to see 25 patients. She said that one of the recent tests (thyroid globulin) showed that I was still producing a significant amount of protein from my THYROID. Yes, she went on to explain that they probably took out about 90% of my thyroid and there was still tissue in there and that is not a good thing. This means the cancer causing tissue is still there and then she went on to explain that the 2 "suspicious lymph nodes" were probably a result from this left over tissue (the cancer is still there growing).

So, here is the latest plan (just got to keep you guys on your toes):

1. I will go to the OTO doc this week to see if they want to take out the saliva glands. Since it was the radiation that caused this problem then I need to talk to him about the next dose of radiation and what I can do to prevent this happening again with my glands (if they don't take them out).

2. I will see my ENDO doc the first week of January to do an "uptake" test which is a small amount of radiation and then do a FULL body scan to see if the cancer has spread. To do this I will have to stop my thyroid medication for I think 5 weeks prior. So, that means I might get very lethargic and not feel so well for a while. A necessary evil I guess.

3. She said she thinks at this point since the test showed such a significant amount of protein secretion then she is pretty sure I will have another surgery on my neck to scrape out the rest of the tissue and what has grown. Then another dose of radiation. Basically just a repeat of what I have already done.

After I hung up with her I did burst into tears. I am just ready to get on with my life and not talk about it any more. But then I realized that so many wonderful things happened over the last 6 months because of this that I just might be in store for some more wonderful and positive things so after feeling sorry for myself for about 20 minutes I held my head up and am focused on the positive!!!!!

I have felt SO great this entire past week and so I am ready to keep fighting and not give up. Now, over the past month with that saliva gland infection I was so sick and I did ask the Lord to take me home a few times. I know he healed me and got me back up to par so I could take on this next round.

I am a little disappointed that I cannot say I beat cancer in 2 months like I really wanted to but hey.... at least I KNOW I am going to beat it! :-)

I am still going to survive and carry on! The only thing is that we do not want this to have spread to the lungs or bones. So, when I have that body scan in January we want a CLEAR AND CLEAN scan! NO GLOWING areas (it is the same two I had before)!!!!

Everything is still going to turn out great, just going to take a little longer! The other thing that I am a bit sad about is that if I do have to have another surgery then I cannot be deemed "cancer free" until a year after that date. Again, at least I will have beat it!!! :-)

You all know that I am too soft hearted and do not like confrontation. Well, I feel really bad but I am just going to have to start getting really mean and pack Madge's bags for her!!! HAHA!!

I cannot even begin to express how much your love and support has gotten me through all of this and it feels so good to know that I have the best people lifting me up every single day.

I love you all!


I leave you with the PERFECT bible verse from today's sermon (yes... it was intended just for me today!!)

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. ~ II Cor 4:16-18