Saturday, July 5, 2008

So Far So Good!

First, those puppies were almost a part of this family! I fell in love with the white one (had the bluest eyes!!)...... oh well...... I don't need any more animals! The ones I have give me enough trouble!!

Last weekend we went to my mother-in-law's house and ended up spending 9 hours in the local ER due to a family member getting very ill - turned out ok thank goodness(left right after that picture was taken). I tried VERY hard to be a trooper but the next day I got so sick, I still don't know if it was from being upset and the stress or all the SEAFOOD I ate that weekend! As most of you know I am not really supposed to be eating iodine due to the type of cancer I have.

Anyhoo..... this past week was my first full week back at work and lucky me it was a holiday week! The girl who took over my job when I left was out on vacation so I was able to do my old job and let me tell ya... I don't know how I ever did it! No wonder I was always so tired and looked so haggard. After a couple of days they did give me help. Although I have had a ton of energy and have been feeling pretty darn fantastic!

The only things I am still experiencing are:

  • Extreme dizziness when I stand up no matter how slow I take it - I completely blacked out this morning (it was HILARIOUS - I am so glad no one saw it- HAHA!!)

  • Bouts of extreme coldness

  • Headaches

  • A little bit of the motion sickness feeling

The great news is these symptoms are only a few times a day now instead of constant so I am feeling so GREAT! I only get more symptoms and all at once when I get overly stressed, emotional, or overworked (hint, hint.......haha!).

So, I am just trying to take it easy! I sit down with a hot drink quite a bit and just think about how lucky I am!

I am still running into people that didn't know that I went through this and it is so nice that they can see me when I am feeling so good. I feel like the hard part is over and we ALL made it through it!
I have been feeling so much better lately that I have really gotten back into my photography. I have been creating a lot more lately and I started to sell which is my dream finally coming true. I love my new pieces and they really do come from straight from my heart which makes them very special to me. I feel like this MOMO ordeal has made me realize my priorities again and to have such special people encourage me makes ALL the difference! I am SO LUCKY!!!!

Oh yes.... one last thing to report. My hair did start to thin out. It isn't that bad (I would say about 20% loss) but of course I have to admit I was saddened and a little surprised that it did actually happen. BUT - it is just thinning...... please, I can handle it and if it gets worse I will finally get my brunette hair that I have always wanted, thanks to Raquel Welch! HAHA!!!

MOOD: Creative and thankful
WEIGHT: 144lbs (trust me, I have been pigging out and it isn't changing)
APPETITE: I AM A HUMAN GARBAGE CAN RIGHT NOW!!! I am starving all of the time!

Thank you again for sticking in there and putting up with me during those rough days (especially those hormonal ones... goodness ya'll REALLY do love me!!!).

Love you all!



Anonymous said...

Bran my love - heading to Sunday Mass and you are with me. So grateful & excited to read your ups and downs since your last report... and what a gift you have in writing about them. That photo of you with the puppies is priceless - as all your photos are. Another step up that mountain, you are back to your creative photography - yeah! Go girl - love you mucho - Grammy

Anonymous said...

Hey they Baby Sis,
MOMO!!!! Hope you are having a wonderful day. Keep Smiling!! :)
Love you!