Friday, June 20, 2008

Good/Bad Report

Isn't that the sweetest picture! That was the funnest day! We ate my favorite SPUDS fish & chips and had the best ice cream! It is always so special to me to spend time with my nieces and nephews who I love dearly!!!! I am so ready for another trip to Seattle!!! I miss you all SO MUCH!

Well..... last week was very difficult. I would honestly rather go through 5 thyroidectomies and 5 radiation treatments than go through what I did last week. Again, not complaining, I know people right now who are going through MUCH worse but it was so hard not being in control and being able to stop my symptoms. There seemed to be NOTHING I could do to feel better, not taking a nap or taking any sort of medication. I got to the point where I literally wanted to "throw in the towel" but I had a few people tell me to keep going and to keep my eye on the end result and even though I cried and pitched a fit (don't worry I did it in the privacy of my own home - haha) I didn't just lay down and give in like I had wanted to. I don't think there are words to explain how helpless and frustrated I felt at not being able to do anything to feel better. Those were definitely the hardest few days of this entire process.

However, I am happy to report about Friday at 4pm I just all of a sudden felt better! I was sitting at my computer typing something when I realized all of my symptoms were gone and I felt extremely content. I did take several moments that day to just sit in silence and breathe and to keep reminding myself that it was not as bad as it seemed. Through the weekend I did farely well, I had my bouts here and there and I tried very hard to not over do it.

I am SO happy to report that today I had NO symptoms and no "bouts" of the lethargy what so ever!!! The only thing I experienced were several bouts of the coldness but that is EASY to handle (who doesn't love to sit down with a hot cup of tea or coffee to warm them up??).

So, I do believe my thyroid medication is finally kicking in and I have added vitamin B-12 to the mix which I also think is helping. I FELT GREAT TODAY!!!!!!! Of course I came home and took a 2 hour nap but who doesn't have those days? :-)

I am SO happy right now! Thank you so much to those who always keep me encouraged! I have been so blessed to have people in my life who know when to push me and when to just hold me.

I hope I can continue these great reports! I still have to wait for my doctor's appointment on JULY 24th to know what the next step is but if today is any indication I think we are almost there!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI Brandy,
Leaving a comment is easier than I thought! If you need anything at all - we are right down the street - do not hesitate to call 832-275-9923! I hope your good days continue and that you have the strength to keep up the positive attitude - you are an inspiration! Thanks for sitting with me at church - the music was beautiful - you guys came on a great day. You'll have to try the restaurant we went to Sunday - Live Oak Grill - GREAT food!