Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Doctor Called!!

OK... the doctor called and here is the latest news:

1. She is INCREASING my medication from 137mcg's to 175 due to my blood work results!! I am already on a high dose so increasing it might mean these ever so wonderful symptoms that I have might increase as well, like:

a. My hair is extremely brittle - but I think it stopped falling out
b. High energy - but more shouldn't hurt!!! :-)
c. Headaches
d. Dizziness - usually just when I stand up
e. Dry skin - I just lather up with the lotion daily (yes that is an official symptom)
f. MORE weigh loss... I am at 140lbs right now (my "happy" weight is 165lbs)
That is pretty much it (not too shabby after all that icky stuff I have experienced!!), I have been lucky with my heart condition that it hasn't affected it very much (I thought for sure that would be my biggest problem since the thyroid regulates the heartbeat and the medication speeds the heart up).
2. She said that YES there are 2 new tumors BUT they seem to "look" ok and we are going to use them as my baseline and in 4 months when I have more tests they will look at them again and if they "look" bad or have grown then we will deal with them at that time.
THAT IS IT!!! Remember, this is the doctor that doesn't crack a smile and NEVER EVER laughs at my jokes!!!! She just reiterated that it was CRUCIAL that I don't miss my next appointment because it is VERY VERY important. The woman scares me but she is a phenomenal doctor!!!
So, I am a little anxious how the even higher dose will affect me but the current dose has made me feel SO great (energy wise) that maybe this one will be even BETTER!!!
So many great things have happened this week, including hearing from my Uncle Kee (my Papa's brother) who we were all so worried about!!!! He lives in Peru and we hadn't heard from him since the devastating earthquake 8 months ago! PRAISE GOD HIM AND HIS WIFE DOMI ARE ALIVE AND WELL (and their 2 cats Blackie and PeePee - love that name)!!!
Check back soon!!
My bro-in-law Mike is running the Chicago Marathon as a charity runner for the American Cancer Society in honor of STOMPING OUT MADGE and I will be posting some info on that shortly!!!! GO BRO!!!! LOVE YA!
** I am designing a necklace right now with MOMO on it! It is a lot of fun!

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