Thursday, October 23, 2008

Oh What A Week!

My bro-in-law Mike is somewhere in that picture running the race!! What an accomplishment - I am so proud and honored that he ran it as a charity runner for the American Cancer Society! That is love!!!

"One step in front of the other, before too long, you will be amazed at how far you have come
the distance yet to be traveled will be filled with old and new friends"

Ok... I finally have a big update! So much has happened this week!! I started writing this blog on Monday but so much was happening that I didn't get to finish! I am going to post what I wrote and then you can get the latest at the end. :-)

I unfortunately had a little issue last Wednesday and ended up in the ER due to having certain symptoms my doctors were concerned about. Since I had shortness of breath, extreme dizziness, and that lymph node was swelling to the size of a golf ball they were concerned. So, I went and had a CT in the ER and the doctor I work for brought his own team down there to get their advice (it really does pay to work for doctors!!!). After much consulting and investigating they came to the conclusion that my saliva gland was infected which was causing the other symptoms as well. So, I was placed on antibiotics and anti-vertigo medicine (not taking that one) and sent on my merry way.

I went to my endocrinologist the next day and explained everything to her as well as how icky I have been feeling. She did say it could be because the iodine radiation does come out the saliva glands (remember the lemon candies I had to suck on after radiation and that this month is when they said it would “come out”). Well, that pesky radiation has decided to not slip out quietly.

Here are the other things that happened during my visit:

1. She stated that my T4 was still not suppressed enough and she wanted to RAISE my dose, now all the docs in the ER and the docs I work with seem to think my dose is extraordinarily high and I have been advised to seek a second opinion.

2. She stated that the last scan I had did show residual thyroid tissue, this just means that the cancer can grow back since the cancer causing tissue is still there. So, when they took the thyroid and scraped my trachea they just didn’t get it all.

3. I had an ultrasound today to check the lymph node and nodules, this should tell us a lot about what is going on – the biggest being if my lymph node needs to be treated and if the thyroid tissue is still there.

4. I will be given a very small dose of radiation in 4 to 6 months and then they will do another scan to see if there is ANY cancer. If not then I will be deemed CANCER FREE!!!

5. She told me to stop taking ALL vitamins because they are interfering with the absorption of my Synthroid medication.

Thursday afternoon I went to an ENT doctor because my Endo doctor wanted to ensure that my saliva gland was not in danger due to the radiation. Well, I did go see one and he just agreed with everyone else and said that my saliva gland was infected and to take the antibiotics. He said that if it was not better in a week then they might consider taking it out.

It is now Monday, I have taken my antibiotics and have done everything I was told to do. I actually only swelled up once this weekend and other than that I felt GREAT!!! I dare say I almost felt NORMAL!! I know… very exciting.

I think my doctor could have been right and it was probably the infection making me feel so darn bad. The extreme dizziness is better and that “overall” sick feeling is almost completely gone! I had the GREATEST weekend!

Oh… I also have started really watching my iodine intake and I think that will definitely help. Since my tongue is secreting a salty taste constantly (the iodine radiation) then I know my body does not need any more so I am tyring to be good – I ACTUALLY DID NOT GET MY FAVORITE SHRIMP ROLL YESTERDAY! Boo hoo!

We need the ultrasound results – that should be tomorrow


It is now Thursday and unfortunately my feeling great ended on Tuesday, yes, you read that right! The day after I typed how great I was feeling it went down hill again. I went to an Otolaryngologist today and he told me there was just one thing he could do to try to keep me from having surgery. He kept telling me to hang in there and then he decided to do some medieval procedure that reminded me of a SAW movie! I won’t go into the details but all I can say is at one point he shoved a long wire into my gland and kept jamming it in there trying to unblock the obstruction (stones). It hurt so bad I literally went into shock and couldn't’t move when he was done. He kept telling me it was all over and I could go but I just couldn't’t move! OUCH!!!!

I am now to put lemon juice in my mouth to keep the saliva going and to “milk” my own gland! HAHA! Yes… I have to rub it to keep the saliva going.


The radiation was passing out of my body through the saliva gland and it somehow caused some sort of damage where the saliva got caught up and then an obstruction happened and then STONES formed in my gland. He was able to get 4 out but could not get 1 other one out. So, he stated to keep on my antibiotics and then if it isn’t better in 2 weeks I will have a minor surgery to get it out.

I tell ya… I sure wasn’t expecting an issue with my saliva gland from all of this. It threw me for a loop and being so sick from the infection really did get me down and frustrated. But, I was reading some e-mails that a friend wrote to me a couple of months ago about how my positive attitude through all of this has changed their life and it was a nice reminder to me to get my act together, pick my head back up and keep moving forward! There are people out there dealing with much worse, I can’t let this get to me! I had my moments in bed and on the couch sulking. I am done with that and it is time to show MADGE who is boss again!

She won this last round but the next one is ALL MINE!!!

I am going in for the KNOCK OUT once and for all!!


— My endo doc called today and said she was still waiting for some results to come back and she will call me when they do to give me the next step
— My ultrasound just revealed my lymph node on the right was larger – the tech didn’t get the whole neck
— I have to wait and see if the doctor was successful today and the stones are gone, if not then I might need surgery to remove what is left
— I am still going to get a 2nd opinion with an Endo doc just to make sure I am on the right track with the medication – it is something I have to be on for the rest of my life and I want to make sure it is right! I want to find my right levels soon, I just want to feel normal again!

Okay…. I will give you an update as soon as something happens. I tried to get this one out to you quickly but I was feeling so bad.

Love you all ~

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