Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Finally Some Updates!!

This has been quite the eventful past week! Let me start with the most exciting news!!

As most of you know I have been doing photography on the side for a few years here and there and I actually started to get pretty busy with family portraits, maternity, children, etc.... well being the "people pleaser" that I am it became so stressful for me because I always stressed that someone wouldn't like the pictures they paid for. So, I decided that I would just pursue my true love of selling my own photographs. Being in school and working full time typically kept me pretty busy so I didn't ever quite get to the point where I could sell. Then, I realized that God had me at home dealing with my cancer for a POSITIVE reason.... work on my business! So, every time I had energy I would work on my computer at home and work on it little by little.
Last week I posted 9 pictures for sale and I SOLD MY FIRST ONE (the pic above of the hands - the other is a recent pic I did)!!!! It was literally one of the happiest moments of my life. Even if I only sell that one picture I feel like I have accomplished my dream!!! I have turned down a couple of offers to show my work in a gallery because I didn't feel I was ready (and I was too busy with school & tired from work) but now I am feeling like the time is HERE!!

So, one more wonderful thing has happened due to MOMO!!!!!

Now for my health update! I have officially transitioned from HYPOthyroidism to HYPERthyroidism. What that means basically is the medication has kicked in and it makes my body work in overtime.

Here are some of the changes I have had:

  • I have come OUT of the lethargy stage and now I have GREAT energy.

  • I no longer have the COLD bouts, they have been replaced by HOT FLASHES! HAHA!!

  • I have also lost 4lbs due to the overactive metabolism the pills are causing.

  • My hair is already reproducing new growth

  • The dizziness & "blackouts" are MUCH better - I think this was the "transition" period

  • My skin looks like a 16 year old girl - my hormones are whacked out!

  • I am no longer having extreme emotional ups and downs (well you tell me - HAHA!)

  • I still am having the sharp stomach cramps - that is a medication side effect

  • My skin is SUPER dry, I have to lather in lotion several times a day - typical symptom

  • My throat has been bothering me lately, I actually couldn't swallow at all for a few minutes on Saturday - really freaked me out. I also lost my voice for a bit today.

  • MY TASTE CAME BACK!! I forgot to tell ya'll, it was actually only gone for 2 weeks!!

I think that is it! There are so many small thing, I try not to think about them. My focus is my energy and that has really been great. I am taking a B12 every day and I think that has a large part of it along with the thyroid meds kicking in.

I also was encouraged to hear from my Aunt Betty in San Angelo, Texas this week and I also heard that my grandma in Las Vegas is doing well (we have been worried about her). It is times like these when you see how much your loved ones really care and how much everyone means to each other, my family has been AMAZING and I am so thankful to each of them for their incredible support and unconditional love!! I LOVE YOU ALL AND AM SO BLESSED TO BE A PART OF THIS INCREDIBLE FAMILY!!!

So, it has been a WONDERFUL week!!! I have sold my very first picture and I am feeling much better - as long as I don't overdue it or stress, then my symptoms come 10 fold (along with the motion sickness, etc.....).

My doctor's appointment is next Thursday 7/24 @ 10am. I just might have another update before then! It has been so wonderful getting all the feedback about this blog. I am so glad that you are here reading it!!


As most of you know I have been helping the Lost Boys of Sudan for the past 8 years now and my very dear friend Jacob has recently found out his parents survived the war (they were separated when Jacobs village was burned to the ground and most adults were killed by the rebels). He really wants to go home to Sudan in December but working a minimum wage job and going to school full time doesn't leave much money for the $2,500 airfare. If you would like to donate some money for Jacob's airfare please e-mail me at brandykc72@yahoo.com and maybe we can get him reunited with his family!!! He has not seen them since 1991!!!!!

Second, my bro-in-law Mike is running the Chicago Marathon in October as a charity runner for the American Cancer Society (in honor of "stomping out" MOMO). If you would like to donate to the cause please e-mail me as well!

IT FEELS SO GREAT TO START HELPING OTHERS AGAIN INSTEAD OF MYSELF!! I am starting to feel back to my OLD self! The hardest part of this process so far was having to stop and have others take care of me.
I cannot wait to start giving back!!!




Anonymous said...

Sis! Yeah! I know how exciting this has been for you to sell your "1st" photo! I am so proud of you!! And selling to a stationary designer - double hooray! I am so happy for you and so excited that you are slowly regaining your strength and yourself back. Keep taking your minerals and the goods mom sent!! Nourish, Nourish, Nourish!!!
Love ya man!!

Anonymous said...

Bran love - so happy to view this update and like your sis am so proud of you for many reasons. When you were created you were given so many talents & a big heart in helping others along with your creativity in your photography. Uplifting to read how you are feeling better each day - of course there will be ups & downs but praying all that will be behind you soon. Keep that smile and wonderful attitude.
Love you - Grammy