Thursday, July 24, 2008

Doctor Visit Today!!!

(more my work)
Well I FINALLY went to the doctor and have something NEW to tell you! I went to see my endocrinologist who is the only doctor I need to see now. She is maintaining my thyroid medication and will arrange all treatments until the cancer is GONE!!!! :-)

Here is what came out of today's appointment:

  • Tomorrow I will fast and then have a blood test to check my TSH, T4, Calcium, and hormones since I am on birth control (I think they are under control for the most part!!! HAHA)
  • Tomorrow at 2:30pm I will have an ultrasound on my entire neck and collarbone to see if there are any new tumors - this is just a regular check up to ensure there aren't any new little buggers (if there are that means biopsies)
  • The doctor will call me after the blood test results come in to tell me if she is going to change my thyroid medication dosage and then I will be on that dose for 4 months
  • THEN in FOUR months I see her again for a thema"something"globum (some big word I cannot remember) test to see if there is any thyroid tissue left or that has grown back (if so that means more tests to see if it is cancerous)
  • THEN NEXT APRIL I will be taken off my medication for a while (oh I will be so lovely again - I will give you all plenty of warning!!!) and then I will have a complete body scan to see if there is any cancer in my body at all. IF NOT THEN THEY CONSIDER ME CANCER FREE!!!!!!!!
  • So, tomorrow we don't want to see any new tumors, in 4 months we don't want to see any thyroid tissue, and next April we don't want to see ANY CANCER!!
  • She also said that it will take about 3 more months for the radiation to do it's job so she could not tell me that I am cancer free today! :-(

BUT - we are getting there and I feel GREAT so I could not be happier! :-)

I am going to leave you with this incredible story that recently happened to me:
I had a new patient come in recently on a Friday, he was in his 50's and it looked like he had just been beaten down by life lately. It was decided that he needed back surgery so it was my job to sit with him and explain the process and see if he had any additional questions. He started talking about his back pain and then told me he had recently been diagnosed with cancer and he has been very depressed for a few years. Then of course I put a big ol' smile on my face and told him that I too had back surgery (the same one he was needing) and that I too had been recently diagnosed with cancer but everything has turned out great. He smiled for the first time and then told me that he knew that he was meant to meet me that day, that he has not been able to talk to anyone in years that has understood him the way that I did. He just kept repeating that he was so happy and that I really changed his outlook on everything. He then said he was so happy and was looking forward to start living with a positive outlook. He just kept smiling and telling me how amazing it was that he met me and he knew it all happened for reason that day.
I called him on Monday, then on Tuesday, and did not hear back from him. I started to get worried that he wasn't returning my calls and so I decided to look into it a bit more. That is when I discovered that he had passed away shortly after we had that conversation. I don't know why or how he passed, but I just know that I was one of the last people he talked to.
At first I cried so hard for him not being able to have a little bit longer on this earth to enjoy his new found happiness and outlook on life. After crying all my tears I do see that at least he got to die with peace and happiness in his life after not having it for so long.
I feel so overwhelmed that God would use me in this way and it just shows me that each and every day God brings people into our lives and our actions and how we act have a direct impact on others.
I hope this story is as powerful to you as it has been for me! I will think of him every day and think that each person I meet could possibly be another person that God has placed in my path for a very specific reason!
I will give you an update after my ultrasound
(probably Sat AM because we are seeing BATMAN tomorrow night!!!) :-)
(soon to be NOMOMOMO!!! HAHA)


Anonymous said...


Your inspirational story was just as powerful to read on your blog as it was when you told me about it the other day. It does no surprise me that God would use you to touch this man - He uses you touch people every single day in some way or another!

Love you,

P.S. Can't wait to see Batman with you guys tomorrow. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Brandy, I'm at work trying to push back the lump in my throat and the tears in my eyes after reading that beautiful, heart-warming, awe-inspiring story about the wonder of God and His loving care for each of His children. I think God is able to use you to give encouragement, joy and comfort to people because of your desire and willingness to be His vessel.

I pray for you "without ceasing" and I believe you will sail through the next several months, and come April 2009 we will all be rejoicing together, "NOMOMOMO!!"

Looking forward to seeing you Sunday at 2:00.

(Sorry if this comes through twice. First time I pushed
"Preview" and lost it. Retyped and sending again.)

Love Ya,
Karen (Mama G)

Anonymous said...

Bran dear, you are the angel God put on this earth to bring His holy spirit to those in need and how many lives you have touched already. Oh Bran my heart was pounding as I read this story & could picture you sitting by his side, holding his hand with the trust in his eyes. And as to you -what an uplift to read that MoMo is on her way. Thank you so much for the great news of your treatment - truly made my day.
Love from your New Orleans Grammy