Monday, June 2, 2008

Some Updates

Today was my first day back at work but I was in training for most of the day so it wasn't to hard on me!

I wanted to share with you that over the past few days I have had some side effects kick in and I just talked to my doctor. Here is the rundown:

  • On Saturday I lost my sense of taste and my mouth gets VERY dry no matter how much I drink

  • I constantly have a strange taste in my mouth - the closest thing I can describe it to is a metallic taste

  • When I stand up I get such severe head rush I black out for a second (no matter how slow I take it)

  • I have sporadic muscle cramping - mostly in my legs

  • I have been having headaches

  • Some bouts of nausea

  • I have times when I get EXTREMELY cold!!! This actually helped me out when our A/C went out on Saturday (they are here putting in a new one right now) - HAHA!

  • I am sorry to say I have been quite irritable!!! Please love me and hang in there - I am trying VERY hard to keep it under control!

  • Since these have kicked in on Saturday I have had some more bouts of lethargy but it is more to do with conversation, I can clean and go for walks (that was so great girls!!!) but to sit and have a conversation takes so much out of me. It is really strange. I think it has something to do with the concentration issues...... I am just going with the flow and I am not trying to figure it out too much - there are so many different little issues that if I think about them all it just overwhelms me.
I still feel like I am getting off easy so this is NOT complaining - just sharing what is going on!

My doctor called me just a few minutes ago and this is what she said:
  • They still see some cancerous tissue after the radiation and we will discuss the next step when I see her in 6-8 weeks.

  • She also said to keep sucking on the lemon candies to stimulate my saliva glands and that it could take up to 12 weeks to get my taste back or it could be permanently lost (I can tell if it is sour, sweet, tangy, spicy, etc... just cannot taste the flavor).
That is really about it! Madge is still here and it will be a slow process but she hasn't been that bad of a guest. :-) The side effects are all from the radiation or the medication I am on.

I am still holding steady at 144lbs and now with all the candy I have to suck on I am sure I will gain some weight and my dentist is going to LOVE ME!!! HAHAHA!!!

I keep getting asked some of the same questions.... here is a quick Q&A for you:

Q: Will I have hair loss?
A: With the radiation and the medication I am on it is almost inevitable, it should start in about 4 more weeks but it will only be "thinning" and not complete hair loss

Q: How does my throat feel?
A: It feels like I have something stuck in there all of the time, I get random pain at my incision site, it still feels like I am wearing a turtleneck most of the time.

Q: How is my energy?
A: It really changes each hour, one minute I am cleaning and full of energy and the next I cannot even talk on the phone. I just never know.

Q: What is next?
A: Well I am not quite sure. I will keep taking my thyroid medication (Synthroid) each day and eating these candies to stimulate my saliva glands but other than that I just have to wait until my next doctor's appt in 6-8 weeks (with the endocrinologist).

Gene got to witness me setting off a store alarm the other day! :-) I am still staying strong, mentally and physically. I have been working out every day (even if it is just 10 sit-ups). I am sad that I cannot hang out with my Sneaksters and Pumkin during the week any more, I was just cleared to see them again and then it was time to go back to work!!! :-(

I was excited to be able to say I kicked cancer in 6 weeks time but hey..... it comes down to the fact that I am just going to BEAT IT PERIOD!!!



Anonymous said...

Yo Yo Bran!! So glad you are back at work and feeling somewhat able to go back! Good for you! Your positive spirit has been amazing! I haven't felt the need to post on your blog since we talk every day but felt compelled today to send you a message. Peter and I are here at the cabin it is a crazy rainy day....we will head to Bellevue later on this afternoon.
Teri flies in on the 9th for a couple week visit and the family will have a reunion in Leavenworth on the 21st I think or 22nd. I know you will be there in spirit and I know the family just yearns to be with you during this time. We all miss you so much! My wish is that I could have stayed for a month or two while the renovation is happening but just knew you needed to get back to your normal life without a 3 year old trekking around playing with the fire ants - hehehe!! Enjoy that AC and we are all praying for you!!
Love you! HUGE HUG FROM PETER!!!Jennifer

Anonymous said...

You are going to beat it!!! I have the upmost confidence in you!
I don't know how you do it, your so awsome. Riverpoint is having a picnic Sunday. I would like to take my Haley bug with me. All is well. My open house is June7th from1-4pm. The flyers are going like mad. Wish me luck on selling my home. Your right the dentist is going to love you! Have a BLESSED day Brandy! I'm proud of you! Debby

Anonymous said...

Bran ~
We went to Leavenworth this weekend, thought of your dad a lot, miss him so much. Thought of you and how much we wish you were here. I know I haven't blogged AT ALL, in fact it has been hard for me to really believe any of this could happen. But God is on this journey with you. We love you so much.....
I'm going anonymous because I am not sure how to do the rest right now....Jen, Melanie, Teri and I are at Michelle's right now. I had told them I went to your website today...(I know Jim has already but I was under the impression that if I didn't ever acknowledge it, it wasn't happening).
I love you. I am so proud of you!!!