Saturday, June 7, 2008

I Made It Through The Week!!!

Well I made it through my first week back at work. I cannot say it was easy but I managed to work 38 hours! The last 2 days were hard and I almost stayed home but I have this inner competition with Madge that she is not going to get me down so I pushed through and it all turned out ok. I am very fortunate that my work is being EXTREMELY accommodating!!! I am working at my own pace and am able to take breaks when I need to (even lay down if necessary). They even put up with my extreme bouts of coldness that I go through - I have to drink hot tea and bundle up!! I wore a turtle neck yesterday - IT IS OVER 90 DEGREES OUTSIDE!!!

I received some lab work back and it showed that my hormones are 20 times higher than they should be so that explains a lot! HAHA! I have had to hold my tongue here and there. :-)

My calcium level is also low and I am experiencing those symptoms, i.e. muscle cramps (kept me up quite a bit last night), tingling in my hands, and abdominal cramping (the cramps are gone from the radiation and are now replaced by low calcium - go figure).

I did have a scary moment on Thursday afternoon where I just started feeling very strange. I couldn't walk straight, I was very disoriented, etc. I went home and rested and it went away. I have noticed that everything is such a FINE balance now. I have to ensure that I have all the right foods, medication quantities, water, sour candy (for the saliva production), etc... to feel normal. Otherwise I always have some symptom going on. I could go on and on about all the little things that I feel or go through but seriously in the whole grand picture it is NOT THAT BAD!!!! I am so blessed!!!!!

I still cannot taste and have that strange metal taste in my mouth. It has made eating a frustrating thing. I just wish that if I couldn't taste food then I would STOP craving it! HAHA!!!

I see my doctor on JULY 24th to get new lab work, go over the Thyroid medication levels, and to discuss what they will do next for the cancerous tissue they say is still there (the report actually says that it is either remaining cancerous tissue or metastasis disease - which means it grew after the surgery). I am sure it will just be another dose of radiation down the road, most likely a smaller dose. We will see. :-) My prognosis is still GREAT so this is nothing to worry about!!!

I am still working hard at being stronger and healthier than before this all happened. I am working out almost every day (not too hard because I still battle my energy issues). I actually saw a muscle the other day I never had before! HAHA!

I will also start physical therapy this coming week for my osteoarthritis in my lower back, the Thyroid medication it turns out makes that worse so I am taking the necessary steps to lessen that pain before it gets worse. I am ON IT!

I hope you are all doing well and just know that when I get a little down or want to just sit and cry (don't forget 20x's the normal hormones) I think of EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU and I get a HUGE smile on my face and I keep pushing on! I love all of your comments, they really keep me encouraged and motivated!! I really am so fortunate to have the BEST family and friends!!!!

GO MOMO!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Brandy my love - oh my gosh reading about your highs and lows & how you are weathering this storm just melts my heart for you. Your faith and your strenth & that beautiful smile will send Madge packing & on her way. You know you are surrounded by a circle of prayers & embraced by His divine love for you. So looking forward to next weekend when I'll be embracing my beloved Texas family. Holly & Lexi are coming Thurs. as she has calls to make. I just called Karen who is baby sitting Brenna as you must know & said she is really a sleeper & has been in contact with Ginger in Atlanta. Love that sweet picture of you & no mistake that is our Brandy. I am so proud of you for somehow finding the energy to exercise. My love to you & Gene my sweetie pie ... Grammy

Anonymous said...

Dearest Brandy,
Thanks for the latest up date. You are so strong and madge "DOESN'T STAND A CHANCE." So happy the accomodations at work are granted to you. Just remember the LORD IS KIND AND MERCIFUL. You have Gods favor all over you. Have a blessed week! You are doing a SUPER GREAT JOB!