Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Getting A Little Rough....

Look how adorable my nieces and nephew are (and little brother Sparky)! They made me a MOMO sign (full of sparkles as they know how much I love my sparkles!!). TOO CUTE!!!

Well my loved ones & dear friends, each day has been getting just a little harder. I was not expecting this at this point so needless to say I am a bit disappointed BUT as I always say it is still not that bad in the whole scheme of things!!

I keep getting asked about what I am feeling so I am going to give you a quick run down:
  • Extreme head rush when I stand up - no matter how slow I take it

  • Random bouts of dizziness - about every 15 minutes

  • Still have no taste and the constant metal taste in my mouth (although for some reason I ate a TON of chocolate today and even though I couldn't taste it I just felt better - HAHA!)

  • Bouts of lethargy - which comes with shortness of breath - which is why I don't talk on the phone much anymore - SORRY!!

  • Teeth/jaw pain (I believe from the saliva gland issues)

  • Headaches

  • Neck pain around the surgery site - I will get sharp pains out of the blue

  • Increased feeling of something in my throat - below my surgery site

  • I have had to go back to putting my head down when I swallow (it seems to help)

  • Stomach cramps (from the low calcium)

  • Feeling faint at least once an hour

  • Entire body tingles

  • Muscle cramps (mostly legs and arms)

  • Nausea

  • Disoriented (I have times when I cannot even walk straight)

  • When I walk I usually have to have my hand out touching the wall for balance

  • Extreme bouts of coldness that are not relieved by ANYTHING! This only happens about 5-10 times a day and lasts for about 10 minutes

  • I hate to admit this one but - EXTREME mood swings!! However, I think I have managed to hold it all in rather well (I know some of you might disagree - hehe sorry!) and I have only been caught crying ONCE! I think that is a GREAT feat! Please just love me and hang in there! Just remember it is MADGE - NOT ME!!! :-)
I am sure that is not it.... there are so many little things that happen through out the day. I literally have to take it minute by minute.

My work was very concerned about me today and therefore I am staying home tomorrow to get some rest. I had to lay down at work today for the first time so I agree that I need to take care of myself.

Even though it sounds like a lot it still is nothing to be concerned about, it is just a part of the process to get everything in working order! :-) My parathyroids are apparently still mad at me and hopefully we will make up real soon and they will forgive me and START WORKING AGAIN!! :-) Then some of those side effects will go away. Who would have thought 4 little things the size of grains of rice could cause so much havoc!?

I am REALLY looking forward to this weekend in New Orleans - I FINALLY GET A BIG HUG FROM GRAMMY!!!! She has been one of my biggest supports and encouragers through this process and I feel so blessed to have her in my life! LOVE YOU GRAMMY!!!

Again, just being honest and sharing my process. I am NOT complaining - I still feel SO BLESSED that I have a great prognosis and this is all temporary!

GO MOMO!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Still praying for you up here in MI! Sorry to hear you are feeling worse, but we do believe in a mighty God and we will just keep on praying!
Thanks for keeping us posted.
Rob & Lisa

Anonymous said...

Dear Heart - just read what you are going through & my heart breaks for you & I am so sorry - you astound me with you not giving up. What a trouper you are & I know that all our prayers will soon shut the door on Madge & we will have our Brandy back. Just learned from Karen today you will be joining us for dinner (goody goody) and to celebrate Ginger's birthday. What more can I ask.
I am so happy & praying for your travel safety & looking forward to giving you a New Orleans hug Love you and admire you so much. Grammy

Anonymous said...


I love reading your blog - it is the most inspiring reading (sure you don't want to write for a living!). I admire you so much - I hope that I am at least half the person you are in the face of adversity. You are doing great! I'm so sorry that I will miss you at work tomorrow - we'll catch up when you get back from your trip

Anonymous said...

Sorry that last bit was from me - Lorie!