Saturday, February 7, 2009


Hello everyone! This has been quite the week!!! The first 2 days after learning I was cancer free I pretty much was in a state of shock & excitement. I guess I had learned to live with being "sick" and got comfortable with it and then hearing it was gone and I am actually HEALTHY I had to switch gears. Ok... it kind of sucks not having an excuse any more for things like cleaning the house, cooking, etc...... (hubby has made it very clear there is no more excuses for me) HAHAHA!!!

Actually, everyone has been telling me that I am back to my ol' self and they see Brandy again. It really was like a light switch being turned back on. I instantly started making all sorts of plans and LIVING! Before it was hard to really make plans because I wasn't ever sure if I would feel good or I couldn't ever over do it or I wouldn't feel good. Now I have NO excuse & don't have to worry about the unknown!!

Just this week I have booked a trip home to Seattle, donated 2 pieces of my photography to an auction, started talking to the "powers that be" about the cancer research fund, recruited 3 board members, planned a couple of other small trips, etc...... It feels so good to be active and productive again!

It was really hard for me to stop and concentrate on me for a while and now I am ready to stop all that nonsense and get back to helping OTHERS!!! That is what makes me the happiest and I just feel so ALIVE again!

During the past 10 months I have witnessed the most incredible things because of this cancer. In a way it does make me a little sad that it is over because I would love to keep being a part of something so incredible that has changed some peoples' lives. BUT, I told a friend this week that it is now time to switch from being the girl that is "strong and positive through something tough" to showing people that through a good attitude and great support you CAN SURVIVE (I like the saying CANCERVIVE) and come out even STRONGER!!!!!

Ok.. here come the tears...... I can NEVER tell you all how much your love and incredible support has meant to me. Most people don't get the opportunity in life to have such support and to see how much people care about them. There were a couple of times that I really gave up and asked God to just take me and let the pain be over and I would always get a text or a call to pick me back up. I was never alone in this!!!!

Every day someone brings up this blog and I always get in trouble if I don't post often! I love that this lil' ol' thing that was meant to make it easier on me to give out the information turned into something so useful!! I have met other people going through this that heard about the blog and it has created a neat support group.

I will continue this blog to keep you updated on the cancer research fund and other important things going on in my life. It will be a testament to the fact that my job is not done here on earth..... there is too much that still needs to be done!

You really are the BEST friends and family a girl could EVER dream of!!!


*** I was asked the other day what MOMO stands for. Here is the story for those who don't know ..... The day I was diagnosed I had to call my sisters & mom which I did on a conference call so I could tell them at the same time. We all had a very hard time saying "cancer" so we decided to give it a name. I was reading my biopsy report and there was a word that sounded like the name MADGE so my sister said that was it. From that moment on we called the cancer MADGE and then I said that I didn't want us to cry and be sad so we came up with a little motto to say to keep our spirits up. MADGE OUT MOVE ON turned in to MOMO and it took off! There were t-shirts, all sorts of picture frames, food trays, cookie bouquets, sparkly signs, stuffed animals, etc...... It did always make us laugh and perked the spirits right up when someone said it. I always said it was like the LIVE STRONG motto for me. :-)

SO there you have it. Mission accomplished - MOMO!!!

Time to move on! :-)

** stay tuned... the cancer was just the beginning of the REAL story here! :-)


Anonymous said...

Dear Brandy C,
All i can say is YEA!!!!!!!!!!!
This is such fantastic news! I am so happy for you.Hope all is well and have a great day.Blessed you are,no mistake!
Love Ya,

Anonymous said...

That is so great Brandy! I am thrilled for you! What a great testimony to the power of prayer and faith!
Rob & Lisa

Unknown said...

Brandy - your blog is truly amazing! It gives me great strength to see your strength and the Lord's grace fall upon you. Now that we have a treatment plan for Lori she has achieved the "I'm going to fight this thing and win". I would so like to help her journal her journey but don't know if she will be able so maybe you could help me establish it with the viewpoint of the family's journey in the world of cancer with the emphasis being you ay have IT but IT doesn't win!! I am going up Dec. 19th, your coming in mid-Jan. would be so wonderful because after the first two weeks she is gong to feel pretty awful (according to her doctor). He did say that the team feels that we have a good chance of beating this and that if that were not so "we would be having an entirely different conversation". I did not know that a stage (4) has been said. Did she tell you the doctor told her and is she protecting me? I really need you and your knowledge because right now I am so striving to find "the peace of the Lord" because Saten is having a heyday wih the fear element. I so wish it was me instead of one of my daughters - first you, now Lori. Enough is enough - it has to go!! I love you so much - call or write me!! I am going "home" the 19th or so but Lori and I decided I was coming "home" for Christmas not because she needs me!! She is so proud but I"m so glad that she feels the love of the family: she has been touched so much and love conquors anything> Let me hear from you - I love you so much!! Mama San