Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Doctor Called!!

OK... the doctor called and here is the latest news:

1. She is INCREASING my medication from 137mcg's to 175 due to my blood work results!! I am already on a high dose so increasing it might mean these ever so wonderful symptoms that I have might increase as well, like:

a. My hair is extremely brittle - but I think it stopped falling out
b. High energy - but more shouldn't hurt!!! :-)
c. Headaches
d. Dizziness - usually just when I stand up
e. Dry skin - I just lather up with the lotion daily (yes that is an official symptom)
f. MORE weigh loss... I am at 140lbs right now (my "happy" weight is 165lbs)
That is pretty much it (not too shabby after all that icky stuff I have experienced!!), I have been lucky with my heart condition that it hasn't affected it very much (I thought for sure that would be my biggest problem since the thyroid regulates the heartbeat and the medication speeds the heart up).
2. She said that YES there are 2 new tumors BUT they seem to "look" ok and we are going to use them as my baseline and in 4 months when I have more tests they will look at them again and if they "look" bad or have grown then we will deal with them at that time.
THAT IS IT!!! Remember, this is the doctor that doesn't crack a smile and NEVER EVER laughs at my jokes!!!! She just reiterated that it was CRUCIAL that I don't miss my next appointment because it is VERY VERY important. The woman scares me but she is a phenomenal doctor!!!
So, I am a little anxious how the even higher dose will affect me but the current dose has made me feel SO great (energy wise) that maybe this one will be even BETTER!!!
So many great things have happened this week, including hearing from my Uncle Kee (my Papa's brother) who we were all so worried about!!!! He lives in Peru and we hadn't heard from him since the devastating earthquake 8 months ago! PRAISE GOD HIM AND HIS WIFE DOMI ARE ALIVE AND WELL (and their 2 cats Blackie and PeePee - love that name)!!!
Check back soon!!
My bro-in-law Mike is running the Chicago Marathon as a charity runner for the American Cancer Society in honor of STOMPING OUT MADGE and I will be posting some info on that shortly!!!! GO BRO!!!! LOVE YA!
** I am designing a necklace right now with MOMO on it! It is a lot of fun!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Ultrasound Update

~ Papa G's Birthday Party Sunday,
July 27th, 2008 ~

(and see how my scar is barely noticeable!!!!)

I am so sorry but I have had NO time to give you an update!! I am about to run again (the good thing is I have the energy to keep running!!!).

I will give a VERY detailed post tomorrow but to appease you here is a "quick" version:

1. Haven't heard a word back from the doctor

2. Saw my ultrasound report and it said..... NO EVIDENCE OF THYROID RESIDUAL TISSUE!!!

THIS IS HUGE NEWS!!! If there is NO residual thyroid tissue (they got it ALL out during surgery) then my recurrence rate is EXTREMELY LOW!!! If there is no thyroid tissue then the cancer isn't going to be FED AND REGROW!!!!!!

The report said 2 unspecific lymph nodes which could mean anything.... even if it isn't good it just means the radiation will keep trying to kill the tumors (remember doc said it will take 3 more months from now to do its complete job) and worst case scenario then more radiation... NO BIGGIE!!! I would love to be quarantined again after working for the past 2 months! WOW - it has been 2 months already!!!

I AM ON TOP OF THE WORLD!!! I feel so fantastic and to know there is NO thyroid tissue makes me feel like I am SO CLOSE TO THE END!!!!

I will update you again as soon as the doctor calls me.

** I think we can almost start singing that song.... NO MO MOMO!!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Doctor Visit Today!!!

(more my work)
Well I FINALLY went to the doctor and have something NEW to tell you! I went to see my endocrinologist who is the only doctor I need to see now. She is maintaining my thyroid medication and will arrange all treatments until the cancer is GONE!!!! :-)

Here is what came out of today's appointment:

  • Tomorrow I will fast and then have a blood test to check my TSH, T4, Calcium, and hormones since I am on birth control (I think they are under control for the most part!!! HAHA)
  • Tomorrow at 2:30pm I will have an ultrasound on my entire neck and collarbone to see if there are any new tumors - this is just a regular check up to ensure there aren't any new little buggers (if there are that means biopsies)
  • The doctor will call me after the blood test results come in to tell me if she is going to change my thyroid medication dosage and then I will be on that dose for 4 months
  • THEN in FOUR months I see her again for a thema"something"globum (some big word I cannot remember) test to see if there is any thyroid tissue left or that has grown back (if so that means more tests to see if it is cancerous)
  • THEN NEXT APRIL I will be taken off my medication for a while (oh I will be so lovely again - I will give you all plenty of warning!!!) and then I will have a complete body scan to see if there is any cancer in my body at all. IF NOT THEN THEY CONSIDER ME CANCER FREE!!!!!!!!
  • So, tomorrow we don't want to see any new tumors, in 4 months we don't want to see any thyroid tissue, and next April we don't want to see ANY CANCER!!
  • She also said that it will take about 3 more months for the radiation to do it's job so she could not tell me that I am cancer free today! :-(

BUT - we are getting there and I feel GREAT so I could not be happier! :-)

I am going to leave you with this incredible story that recently happened to me:
I had a new patient come in recently on a Friday, he was in his 50's and it looked like he had just been beaten down by life lately. It was decided that he needed back surgery so it was my job to sit with him and explain the process and see if he had any additional questions. He started talking about his back pain and then told me he had recently been diagnosed with cancer and he has been very depressed for a few years. Then of course I put a big ol' smile on my face and told him that I too had back surgery (the same one he was needing) and that I too had been recently diagnosed with cancer but everything has turned out great. He smiled for the first time and then told me that he knew that he was meant to meet me that day, that he has not been able to talk to anyone in years that has understood him the way that I did. He just kept repeating that he was so happy and that I really changed his outlook on everything. He then said he was so happy and was looking forward to start living with a positive outlook. He just kept smiling and telling me how amazing it was that he met me and he knew it all happened for reason that day.
I called him on Monday, then on Tuesday, and did not hear back from him. I started to get worried that he wasn't returning my calls and so I decided to look into it a bit more. That is when I discovered that he had passed away shortly after we had that conversation. I don't know why or how he passed, but I just know that I was one of the last people he talked to.
At first I cried so hard for him not being able to have a little bit longer on this earth to enjoy his new found happiness and outlook on life. After crying all my tears I do see that at least he got to die with peace and happiness in his life after not having it for so long.
I feel so overwhelmed that God would use me in this way and it just shows me that each and every day God brings people into our lives and our actions and how we act have a direct impact on others.
I hope this story is as powerful to you as it has been for me! I will think of him every day and think that each person I meet could possibly be another person that God has placed in my path for a very specific reason!
I will give you an update after my ultrasound
(probably Sat AM because we are seeing BATMAN tomorrow night!!!) :-)
(soon to be NOMOMOMO!!! HAHA)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Finally Some Updates!!

This has been quite the eventful past week! Let me start with the most exciting news!!

As most of you know I have been doing photography on the side for a few years here and there and I actually started to get pretty busy with family portraits, maternity, children, etc.... well being the "people pleaser" that I am it became so stressful for me because I always stressed that someone wouldn't like the pictures they paid for. So, I decided that I would just pursue my true love of selling my own photographs. Being in school and working full time typically kept me pretty busy so I didn't ever quite get to the point where I could sell. Then, I realized that God had me at home dealing with my cancer for a POSITIVE reason.... work on my business! So, every time I had energy I would work on my computer at home and work on it little by little.
Last week I posted 9 pictures for sale and I SOLD MY FIRST ONE (the pic above of the hands - the other is a recent pic I did)!!!! It was literally one of the happiest moments of my life. Even if I only sell that one picture I feel like I have accomplished my dream!!! I have turned down a couple of offers to show my work in a gallery because I didn't feel I was ready (and I was too busy with school & tired from work) but now I am feeling like the time is HERE!!

So, one more wonderful thing has happened due to MOMO!!!!!

Now for my health update! I have officially transitioned from HYPOthyroidism to HYPERthyroidism. What that means basically is the medication has kicked in and it makes my body work in overtime.

Here are some of the changes I have had:

  • I have come OUT of the lethargy stage and now I have GREAT energy.

  • I no longer have the COLD bouts, they have been replaced by HOT FLASHES! HAHA!!

  • I have also lost 4lbs due to the overactive metabolism the pills are causing.

  • My hair is already reproducing new growth

  • The dizziness & "blackouts" are MUCH better - I think this was the "transition" period

  • My skin looks like a 16 year old girl - my hormones are whacked out!

  • I am no longer having extreme emotional ups and downs (well you tell me - HAHA!)

  • I still am having the sharp stomach cramps - that is a medication side effect

  • My skin is SUPER dry, I have to lather in lotion several times a day - typical symptom

  • My throat has been bothering me lately, I actually couldn't swallow at all for a few minutes on Saturday - really freaked me out. I also lost my voice for a bit today.

  • MY TASTE CAME BACK!! I forgot to tell ya'll, it was actually only gone for 2 weeks!!

I think that is it! There are so many small thing, I try not to think about them. My focus is my energy and that has really been great. I am taking a B12 every day and I think that has a large part of it along with the thyroid meds kicking in.

I also was encouraged to hear from my Aunt Betty in San Angelo, Texas this week and I also heard that my grandma in Las Vegas is doing well (we have been worried about her). It is times like these when you see how much your loved ones really care and how much everyone means to each other, my family has been AMAZING and I am so thankful to each of them for their incredible support and unconditional love!! I LOVE YOU ALL AND AM SO BLESSED TO BE A PART OF THIS INCREDIBLE FAMILY!!!

So, it has been a WONDERFUL week!!! I have sold my very first picture and I am feeling much better - as long as I don't overdue it or stress, then my symptoms come 10 fold (along with the motion sickness, etc.....).

My doctor's appointment is next Thursday 7/24 @ 10am. I just might have another update before then! It has been so wonderful getting all the feedback about this blog. I am so glad that you are here reading it!!


As most of you know I have been helping the Lost Boys of Sudan for the past 8 years now and my very dear friend Jacob has recently found out his parents survived the war (they were separated when Jacobs village was burned to the ground and most adults were killed by the rebels). He really wants to go home to Sudan in December but working a minimum wage job and going to school full time doesn't leave much money for the $2,500 airfare. If you would like to donate some money for Jacob's airfare please e-mail me at brandykc72@yahoo.com and maybe we can get him reunited with his family!!! He has not seen them since 1991!!!!!

Second, my bro-in-law Mike is running the Chicago Marathon in October as a charity runner for the American Cancer Society (in honor of "stomping out" MOMO). If you would like to donate to the cause please e-mail me as well!

IT FEELS SO GREAT TO START HELPING OTHERS AGAIN INSTEAD OF MYSELF!! I am starting to feel back to my OLD self! The hardest part of this process so far was having to stop and have others take care of me.
I cannot wait to start giving back!!!



Saturday, July 5, 2008

So Far So Good!

First, those puppies were almost a part of this family! I fell in love with the white one (had the bluest eyes!!)...... oh well...... I don't need any more animals! The ones I have give me enough trouble!!

Last weekend we went to my mother-in-law's house and ended up spending 9 hours in the local ER due to a family member getting very ill - turned out ok thank goodness(left right after that picture was taken). I tried VERY hard to be a trooper but the next day I got so sick, I still don't know if it was from being upset and the stress or all the SEAFOOD I ate that weekend! As most of you know I am not really supposed to be eating iodine due to the type of cancer I have.

Anyhoo..... this past week was my first full week back at work and lucky me it was a holiday week! The girl who took over my job when I left was out on vacation so I was able to do my old job and let me tell ya... I don't know how I ever did it! No wonder I was always so tired and looked so haggard. After a couple of days they did give me help. Although I have had a ton of energy and have been feeling pretty darn fantastic!

The only things I am still experiencing are:

  • Extreme dizziness when I stand up no matter how slow I take it - I completely blacked out this morning (it was HILARIOUS - I am so glad no one saw it- HAHA!!)

  • Bouts of extreme coldness

  • Headaches

  • A little bit of the motion sickness feeling

The great news is these symptoms are only a few times a day now instead of constant so I am feeling so GREAT! I only get more symptoms and all at once when I get overly stressed, emotional, or overworked (hint, hint.......haha!).

So, I am just trying to take it easy! I sit down with a hot drink quite a bit and just think about how lucky I am!

I am still running into people that didn't know that I went through this and it is so nice that they can see me when I am feeling so good. I feel like the hard part is over and we ALL made it through it!
I have been feeling so much better lately that I have really gotten back into my photography. I have been creating a lot more lately and I started to sell which is my dream finally coming true. I love my new pieces and they really do come from straight from my heart which makes them very special to me. I feel like this MOMO ordeal has made me realize my priorities again and to have such special people encourage me makes ALL the difference! I am SO LUCKY!!!!

Oh yes.... one last thing to report. My hair did start to thin out. It isn't that bad (I would say about 20% loss) but of course I have to admit I was saddened and a little surprised that it did actually happen. BUT - it is just thinning...... please, I can handle it and if it gets worse I will finally get my brunette hair that I have always wanted, thanks to Raquel Welch! HAHA!!!

MOOD: Creative and thankful
WEIGHT: 144lbs (trust me, I have been pigging out and it isn't changing)
APPETITE: I AM A HUMAN GARBAGE CAN RIGHT NOW!!! I am starving all of the time!

Thank you again for sticking in there and putting up with me during those rough days (especially those hormonal ones... goodness ya'll REALLY do love me!!!).

Love you all!